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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Leeeeeeeerooooooooooooy Jenkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins!!!!!
  2. My main man, Fred Berry!!
  3. Gawd!!! Why are you such a jerk to Pirates! Jesus... Top 5 attraction/ride at Disney World: Pirates of the Caribbean. Top 5 rejected attraction/ride idea at Disney World: The Naughty Ninja's Cave o' Tomfoolery.
  4. Chuck Berry... We've only reached the first level of dante's inferno.
  5. He's got that crazed Samuel L. Jackson look in his eyes!
  6. Prolly only allowed to reply to HIS PM's. You know one of those "it's gotta be my idea to communicate or we won't communicate at all." Oh Ramius, you've done it again!!!
  7. Pirates get Jimmy Buffett music, ninjas get... "everybody was kung-fu fighting" WTF? Pirates in a rout! (with baseball around the corner, might be the only time I get to say that.) NICE FUGGIN AVATAR DIB!!!!
  8. I think, judging by the message Blue got, Stuck doesn't like any of us. Or at least he doesn't want us sending him PMs at all times of the day and night!
  9. Such a mild mannered guy... respectful to the umpires... the words "even keel" come to mind. Threadjack alert!!!! Oddibe "Young Again" McDowell
  10. Take it with a grain of salt though, but save enough salt for your popcorn that you're going to be enjoying each Sunday this fall, with the occassional Monday night, or even on the rare occassion Thursday nights too!
  11. Mingia dude, you didn't catch enough fish yesterday? Like the saying goes, "give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll keep starting TO topics for a week!" You're killing me Mr. Ball.
  12. The opposite of "nevertheless" is "alwaysthemore." What?
  13. You're stupid... stupid! Loook at this!!!! http://www.blogcdn.com/www.slashfood.com/m...rellpopcorn.jpg http://mccoolio.files.wordpress.com/2008/1...-vs-packers.jpg What do you think of THAT Beeeeeeeeeerbaaaaaaaaaaaaawl?!?!?
  14. hey, who you callin' young children?!?!? What's the big idea anyway?
  15. If they have one of those Gatorade fountain machines that dispenses the greenish-yellow nectar of world-class athletes, they should make sure his locker is near it. Salty popcorn causes thirst you know.
  16. And you may ask yourself How do I work this? And you may ask yourself Where is that large automobile? And you may tell yourself This is not my beautiful house! And you may tell yourself This is not my beautiful wife!
  17. I think it's the suggested age at which you can cook said pasta.
  18. I actually did know that, but my wife asked me that the other day at my son's baseball game (we had an umpire with a balk fetish... he called SIX in one game, all of them were balks, but it was very nitpicky really). Don't mind Beerball, he's preoccupied with the whole "where the heck are we going to put Terrell Owens locker" conundrum. When he's being a jerk like that, just spell his name like you're being really sarcastic: Beeeeeeeeeeeeeerbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwl" He hates that.
  19. Sounds quite tasty to be honest with you sir! Perhaps I shall try some of this "devil's juice." Does it go well with potted meat by chance? Perhaps I'll serve it with dinner this evening!
  20. See Beer's post on this topic and you'll have the reason why so many did make it out: No, but they should design a Billy Ripken though for that reason.
  21. Another one I just saw (and frequently see around these parts) "retarted" What is this concoction you speak of that requires hops and yeast? Do you want to make whole-wheat or multi-grain bread?
  22. That's an interesting find wolfie!! I'm not sure of the value, but it's pretty cool nevertheless (alwaysthemore). I collect McFarlane figures of athletes I like (which means I only by the HOF editions of older players), but I take them out of the packaging and display them on top of a shelf I have in my office. I've got a Ted Williams figure that's holding a Willie Mays bat (obviously not worth much because I took it out of the package). To answer your question, I'm not sure what the market is for McFarlane's... much less errors.
  23. Now, we're onto something here! Like the lockers by the water slides at Darien Lake! In the morning when Terrell comes in, make him pay 75 cents or something in order to put his street clothes in there for safekeeping, then he gets to keep the key for one-time use to get back in the locker at the end of the day. If he needs to get into the locker mulitple times during the day, the Bills can recoup some of the money they're paying him!!!! Why Bob, what ever do you mean?
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