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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. False... bears eat beets. Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8d86Kjl1dg CBF, this should be arriving in the mail for you soon. I ordered it for you: https://www.etsy.com/listing/178499608/bears-beets-battlestar-galactica-t-shirt
  2. Nice! You got a good HEAD on your shoulders there Bawl.
  3. I read (and even contributed) to the Goodell/Bon Jovi/Toronto Buffaloes thread....
  4. We're awash in breweries in Colorado, I mean we're overflowing with 'em I tell ya. You can't throw an empty bottle and not hit a new brewery that just opened up. The distance between micro and nano breweries is only a HOP away (no need for a skip or jump). You can barley keep track of em all. (okay, enough beer puns for one day).
  5. This thread has been more entertaining that it had any right to be! Good job mods for keeping this open! This is the TBD gift that keeps on giving (albeit gag gifts), but still it's a gift right?
  6. My top ten are the more obscure posters: Johnny Vandermeer's thumb SlowMotionMoe Bust 'em Up Bill Crankcase Eldorado George Sebaceous Cyst Pothole in Jimmytown Garbage Gut Jesus H Cookie Gil Christ and I'm the Rowdy Piper
  7. The odds of being at that game are so miniscule, but as mentioned above, if I was at home I would figuratively give him his due... I try not to hate greatness, but sometimes it's difficult.
  8. 45 and charging... lingering, just doesn't do it for me.
  9. Sorry to hear about this Guff... it's never easy, but you made Tyler's life better and the memories you have hopefully will keep you warm during the dark times.
  10. My wife and I watched it last night and after it was over, we both were left with a feeling of "meh, it's run it's course and it's starting to flounder." As I've said before the "kids" on the show are frustrating to watch because there doesn't seem to be any direction for them. The adults really aren't much better for that matter. We've invested enough time this year, that we'll probably finish the season, but if it doesn't give us something to come back for next year, we may be done. "Johnny Depp wannabe Nick" is spot on Shrader, I'll be stealing that and using it next time we watch.
  11. Came here for this, was not disappointed! I thought the same thing when I saw the title. And yes SDS, I watched the second half of the video during lunch yesterday. Thanks for pointing that out.
  12. Nice find. First game my dad ever took me to was the one against the Bears that year; an exciting 7-0 win for Chicago (I think Walter Payton had 4 RBI's and two extra-base hits). I took to watching a tall lanky free safety wearing No. 38 by the name of Jeff Nixon, he was my first "favorite Bill" for his duration in Buffalo. Jon Facenda's voice and the musical score really took me back in time. Thanks for the 15 minute vacation Rubes!
  13. I really can't wrap my head around the school buying into that hand written note! In my high school, we always sat alphabetically, so for pretty much my entire high school career the same girl (man she's still a looker) sat behind me in all my classes. She signed more permission slips and report card envelopes on my mom's behalf than my mom ever knew. At my mom's funeral a couple years ago, I tried to keep it light-hearted and funny, so I told the girl (through choked back tears) her duties as "Bullpen's Mom" were now officially over.
  14. No it's not just you, there's a lot of loonies, nutcakes, crackpots and shitferbrains screwball wackos. Take a look at the main board during draft weekend!
  15. Yes... The laws I would break to get cuffed by this lovely lady... Uff da!!!
  16. Says the guy who has an annual thread about seeking advice!!! Heading to the Pinehurst area this summer for ten days of golf, beer and relaxation after one of most difficult 13 months I've ever had. This trip is much overdo.
  17. Thanks Ferg, now I won't be able to get that song out of my head. It's been lying dormant for almost 40 years and now you have to bring it back!!! Man, that show was lame! I'm with WEO on this... already with the nicknames? Can't we just let nicknames happen? This reminds me of the time George wanted to be called "T-bone."
  18. I have to admit, this made me el-oh-el way more than it probably should have! This ^^^^^^^^^. I'm not enamored with the pick, but I don't loathe it either. The bed's already been made, so the Bills might as well take some time and let the guy develop and learn while in the pipeline. UH-OH!! Dad's pissed. Hide the belt!!!!
  19. Admittedly, I don't devote a lot of time to the draft anymore, since the NFL insists on making it not only an "event" but a three-day bataan death march "event." I'll full "get off my lawn" for you boyst, I liked it better as a two-day thing, with a lot less wiz-bangs and whoop-dee-doos.
  20. I thought that was Florida?
  21. I guess you could say... .... she WAS minding her P's and Q's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR3jnW2kcUs
  22. Exactly. I thought the same thing after reading yesterday's post and after this one, I'm thinking I need to go read more of Beerbawl's nonsense as a cleansing agent.
  23. Moonshine, nekkidness, "eff you guys," handicap spot... There's so much comedy in that article! I can't imagine why this ended so poorly.
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