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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. IIRC, we had this conversation a couple years ago and I thought it was hilarious that you used "Mingia." I figured it was only popular in the "greater Jamestown metropolitan area" until I saw you using it. You prolly do hold the rights, I'm merely trying to get "squatters rights" on the word.
  2. These fuggin changes SUCK!!!!! Just keep watering down the product you're putting out NFL, before long we'll have nothing more than glorified flag football. Will there be participation trophies and orange wedges and Capri Suns at half time for the players?
  3. I thought the same thing!!! Mingia, look at the key ring on dad's hip! He's gotta be a janitor somewhere! (I bet Bildo probably speaks to him to make him feel better about his job.)
  4. Happy Birthday Wacka!!!
  5. Mediocrity nice avatar.
  6. I'm in... (my wife's going to love talk like Shatner day I can promise you that). Happy Birthday Shatman!
  7. Nice story Tipster. Despite the fact that he's a Titan and because of the Homerun throw forward, I can honestly say he's one of the few Flaming Thumb tacks that I can stand. Seems like a nice guy. Wish I had his problems at the pump however, with not having anything smaller than hundies to pay.
  8. They were just being blue collar like Poz!
  9. Not sure what Obamalamadingdong is at this point, but I'm 26 of 32. That midwest bracket effed me up pretty good with all those lower seed wins.
  10. Jesus H. Christ Dean, I couldn't agree with you more! I don't know if Breuer and Kattan have naked photos of someone at NBC, but during their runs on SNL, I just didn't get either of them. At first I thought "okay, I've officially reached that age, where I don't 'get' SNL anymore." But later i realized those two were the main culprits in my not getting it. They just weren't/aren't funny. I'm not saying I'm the next Brad Pitt looks wise, but could you find two more repulsive looking comedians? Is it just coincidence that Breuer played "goatboy" and Kattan played some sort of "monkey creep?" Hacks of the highest order Deano... (by the way in the name of full disclosure: I was at BB King's place Sunday night in NYC watching Flavor Flav and Public Enemy put on a show in honor of Flav's 50th birthday, and yeah the show was pretty fuggin good.)
  11. I was just talking about those with a buddy of mine. He lived in another part of the country back then and they had the same sandwich up in Wisconsin, but it was named for whomever was the Packer Dujour. I can't believe I actually used to eat that thing!
  12. That's what I loved about it, because the rest of the roasters smelled blood in the water after Ms Love got done with her "performance" and they just ripped her no-talent-gravy-training ass to pieces. Even better was she was so stoned and drunk out of her gourd, she didn't even realize they weren't really "making jokes at her expense" as they were exposing her for the fraud she really is.
  13. One of my HS girlfriends tried to tell me same thing... oh so naive.
  14. Just wondering, does the battery combination of who's pitching and who's catching count in this situation?
  15. Absolutely right... that was one of the worst ever. One of the very few that was good, was the Pam Anderson Roast which turned into a Pam Anderson/Courtney Love "who's-the-bigger-attention-whore" Roast. Now THAT was a good roast IMO.
  16. I was 15 and 1, but considering the chalk pretty much ruled the day, I'm not putting too much into this thing yet. I'm sure today some 10s, 11s and maybe a 12 or lower will surprise some teams and start upsetting some apple carts. Hell the pool I'm in, the last place bracket was still 11 and 5, which is respectable as long as he didn't have his upsets going too deep in the bracket.
  17. "You don't love me... you just love my doggy style." - Snoop Dogg (circa 1994)
  18. Well happy birthday my good man! Pip-pip and cheerio to you!!!
  19. At some point rigamortis is going to set in.
  20. So that's why we haven't heard from Sketch in so long... he's in Brazil hunting for spiders!
  21. Jesus Simon, sorry for your loss...
  22. Here's my nomination: Kevin DuBois was definitely servin up some sassiness in this video...
  23. Especially when the Bills site shows him wearing Frank Reich's numero Fourteeno!
  24. Oh yeah?!?! Tell that to THIS GUY!!! and wink for the ladies Or HIM! He's quite dashing wouldn't you say? So what if he looks like an Alley-Oop Character, he ain't a gay either: Even his mouth says "arrrrrgh"
  25. Sorry Blue and Cincy... that was pretty damn funny!!! The one about grandma's beaver was great too! I L'd, just not OL.
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