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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Well if you're going to cite Maryanne Webster, then I can throw your home-girl Sarah Palin out there as proof that Kinda IS a word! So THERE, Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwl.
  2. Well.... ... you kinda are from time to time, irregardless of what leonidas says, most of us still like ya.
  3. Happy birthday to the both of ya!
  4. On the other hand, I need one of these alarm clocks!!! http://www.amazon.com/ECKO-flavor-flav-clock/dp/B0001G3KKU
  5. Oh man, I used to love that old school stuff. Run DMC, PE, 3rd Bass, LL Cool J, etc... coming from the most lily-white part of New York State, it was hard to get our hands on rap CDs when they were released. Typically took a week or two before we would get most stuff. Sometimes when I'm mowing the lawn in "Suburbia, Colorado" with my IPod on listening to PE, EPMD or KRS-One I laugh to myself at the irony of it all. A thirty-something white man mowing his lawn listening to old school rap... mingia that's funny to me. I saw Public Enemy at BB Kings in NYC two weeks ago. They were doing a show in honor of Flavor Flav's 50th Birthday! Man did that show bring back some memories! It was really cool seeing them in a small intimate venue. Ice T even made a cameo appearance.
  6. Nice one Fredo...
  7. He did: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=86201 Happy belated birthday fellow parrothead!
  8. Cincy, happy birthday my friend... unlike the rest I won't make any jokes about being old, a curmudgeon or anything like that. So at your age, do they just buy the numerical candles rather than buying 20 boxes of individual candles?
  9. ... and it's still the wrong way to do it, IMO. (and it's not because I work for AFA, I would feel this way regardless). We obviously agree to disagree on this one.
  10. Atta way Fredo!!! Just because Shanahananananana's Horseshoe layed the smack down on you earlier doesn't mean you have to take crap from everyone!!! "I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!" - Fredo Beerball
  11. Just watching that video gave me a feeling of vertigo! No stinkin way I could tee off up there!
  12. Okay let me rephrase that... the HANDLING of the goal was a major screw job! Let them play for two more minutes, then go back and review it for 12 minutes and then award a goal? They should stop play right then and there and review it. The question I have is wHat would have happened if AF would have gone down and scored what appears to be a game winner? Would they have reviewed Vermont's goal and said "Ooops, sorry AF, you guys actually lost because that goal before yours actually DID go in... can we get your Frozen Four hats back?" The way the NCAA is handling reviews is horrible. It needs to be fixed after this latest debacle.
  13. Happy birthday Spud Mountain!
  14. HAHAHA!!! Take that Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawl!!! Nothing I like better than seeing you get slapped around for posting dumb things like that!!! Why don't you tell everyone how Denver couldn't host a super bowl now!!! Teeheehee, you got smacked around somethin good and that's all you got?!?! What a maroon!!!
  15. Would have been cool to have two Serratore brothers coaching in the Frozen Four... if only AFA hadn't gotten the screw job in their second round game. Congrats to Tom and the rest of the Beavers.
  16. I'm a big fan of this line: "When I get on the field, I like to punish people," said Williams, Like who the fans of the team and the actual team that drafted you?!?!?
  17. Great, I thought I was the only one who refused to see that movie, now I have share that honor with you?!?! Nicely done Jim!
  18. Best of luck Grant... I'll be thinking of you today! Your sheer will power makes puts you in my "top-five toughest guys I know" category. Again... fingers crossed my friend.
  19. Happy birthday to all (both?) of you!!!
  20. I'll probably see you there Pete. I just finished closing on a weekend cottage there. Plan on being there in a couple hours myself.
  21. Happy birthday my good man!!!
  22. What's wrong with Matt Kofler?
  23. Josh got my vote...
  24. You wanna put a "NSFW disclaimer" for those of us not doing any work while actually at work, next time you post something like that? Thanks...
  25. That's exactly what I thought.
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