Wrong, wrong, wrong... the REAL stars of that show are Stormtrooper, Tie Fighter Pilot and Darth FUGGIN Vader... DUH!!!!
... and then of course there's Jack Fisher, who's claims to fame seem to be giving up goopher balls to hall of fame players?!?!?
You mean Lonborg and Fisher? YOU BET!!!
This rates as high as anything I've seen this morning on the "unintentional comedy scale"
NOTE: A COMBO Autograph Ticket for both Jim Lonborg & Jack Fisher for $25 will get you a FREE Commemorative 11x14 Photo Featuring Mantle & Williams.
So for $25.00 you get a photo of a couple of real ball players and we'll kick in an autograph of a "flash in the pan" and a rag arm.
Stilll, if you don't get Darth Vader's autograph... well there's not much I can say for you Jack.