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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Life preserver not included...
  2. Best part of that video: "Well RJ.... he's one tough customer." Nooooooo, he's idiot who doesn't learn from his previous mistakes and skates with his head down.
  3. Nope... prolly these: ahhhh... relief
  4. I somehow missed this yesterday.... Consider this a post-dated eff-you: YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. You're a roll today as well Mr. Shan! You obviously are well rested this morning and on top of your game! Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express by chance?
  6. Christ two days in a row you've made a funny!!! You are on a roll beersphere! In response to Bart's question, yes have tried it. Nope don't really care for it. Were you the guy trying to convince us to use it when making chicken wings?
  7. Wrong, wrong, wrong... the REAL stars of that show are Stormtrooper, Tie Fighter Pilot and Darth FUGGIN Vader... DUH!!!! ... and then of course there's Jack Fisher, who's claims to fame seem to be giving up goopher balls to hall of fame players?!?!? You mean Lonborg and Fisher? YOU BET!!! This rates as high as anything I've seen this morning on the "unintentional comedy scale" NOTE: A COMBO Autograph Ticket for both Jim Lonborg & Jack Fisher for $25 will get you a FREE Commemorative 11x14 Photo Featuring Mantle & Williams. So for $25.00 you get a photo of a couple of real ball players and we'll kick in an autograph of a "flash in the pan" and a rag arm. Stilll, if you don't get Darth Vader's autograph... well there's not much I can say for you Jack.
  8. There's no helping the Beerball, Chef. If he's not aware that fatback comes from a sea animal appropriately called "the fatback" then there's no sense if trying to help him now.
  9. Notso Neal? I don't get it...
  10. I haven't watched it in quite awhile either, but evidently he's (Dwyane Chapman) good friends with this bondsman and whenever he's having problems tracking down one of his "customers" he calls in Chapman to hunt him down. Sometimes they bring the whole camera crew, sometimes not, but regardless it always turns into a huge sh*tshow when they get here. Chapman I guess also lived in Denver awhile before he moved to Hawaii. I've got a friend I work with who went to high school with Leeland here in town and he was a real gem in school as well. The whole family is a bunch of white-trash hicks from what I've been told by people who've lived here a long time.
  11. What's that phrase? Something about putting lipstick on a pig? Most of the redesigns in recent years have been just that.
  12. Happy birthday Lana! Enjoy your day!
  13. Yep, the pride of Colorado Springs... Paintball guns. WTF!!!??!? Based on the section of town this happened in, it doesn't really surprise me. If you go into that part of town brandishing a paintball gun and hoping to apprehend someone, you're going to get what you ask for. I really wish Dog and his white-trash clan would just stay out in Hawaii and quit bringing their three-ring circus to town. Last point of unintentional comedy: The bondsman's name.... Bobby Brown!
  14. No, but I was wondering the other night, what ever happened to Speedy Neal.
  15. Can I have a job if I move back home?!!? Most of my posts are from work as well. Very rarely am I on TBD (or the computer for that matter) at home.
  16. Oh man, I NEVER get tired of seeing that video! Ah, the glory days... (Opps there we go again living in the past.)
  17. I don't know pooj, but I noticed the same thing last summer, when I wanted to make a pan of baked beans. I had to thicken it up with brown sugar and some other spices and some mustard, even then it wasn't the consistency I was looking for... had to bake the sumbitch for quite a while to get the desired effect! I'm with you though, I'm on baked bean crusade to bring back "our fathers" baked beans dammit!!! And due to my unhealthy and irrational dislike for anything from Mass. or the greater New England area, I WILL NOT tolerate BOSTON baked bean either!!!
  18. Happy birthday to all three of you!!!
  19. And if you do decide to do the compost pile... make sure to print out about 40 to 50 pages of posts from TBD, a lot of the content around her qualifies as "compost-friendly." (I'm including my posts in that statement FWIW.)
  20. I thought I would go out and start my push mower and let it idle for 20 to 25 minutes this morning. Seriously, SDS maybe for an Earth Day project you could teach them how to make a compost pile for recycling of kitchen waste into a suitible soil agent.
  21. ... the next sound you will hear is an axe grinding.
  22. One of the best blocking wide recievers period.
  23. No I meant ESPN Page 2's resident one-trick-race-card-playing pony.
  24. Don't kid yourself Exiled... last week he didn't even know that bacon actually came from an animal called "bacon" or the baby back rib came from the off-spring of the "rib" animal. Some chef he turned out to be.
  25. You're all racists! Sincerely, Jamelle Hill
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