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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Sooner of later some sanctimonious SOB is going to show up here and preach to us how horrible we are, revelling in someone else's downfall, but until then...
  2. I remember him getting ALOT of Bills games during that time too! Thing he used to say that absolutely grated on me was the way he talked about a football pleeeey, or the weeeey theeeey pleeeeey the game, that's designed to be an off-tackle pleeeeeey. Just the way he would drag the word out and the way he turned the "a" sound into an "e" sound. Ugh...
  3. Is this everyone's new favorite thread of all time? Did you guys catch Channel 4 news this morning?
  4. You better get to makin that Hitler video!!!
  5. So, who's the best QB not named Joe in the history of the NFL? Anyone hear what Schopp said on WGR the other day? What do you all think about the Brett Favre situation?
  6. I believe Jeff Wright's mullet was responsible for ending Marino's consecutive games without being sacked of throwing the ball away to avoid a sack streak.
  7. Actually if this keeps going on the path it's already on this could get a third team or honorable mention award for greatest threads ever. The hypotheticals are great!
  8. Howie Long is still butt-hurt over the 51-3 asswhippin... and it shows.
  9. Okay Steamroll67, I've tried to reply to your post three of four times, but the way you posted your thoughts prevents anyone from actually quoting or directly replying to what you wrote. Use the BB Code Help button to help make your posts more user-friendly for everyone, kay? Back to the topic of me chosing John Elway: Psssst... it wasn't a homer pick, it was a joke. Since you've been on the board for about 1 week, you probably wouldn't get it though I'm mocking the myopic broncos fans I'm forced to live around now. Most who post here semi-regularly know how much I loath the front-running Denverites. Get to know some of us, before you start flinging the crap...
  10. I have to pick John Elway because I live in Colorado. If you live here, you must reject all others and accept John Elway as the one true Quarterback. Others may come after him, but there can be only one. It is John Elway or nothing. All is possible with the great buck-toothed one. Upon his passing the Broncos will exhume his body and drag it behind the team horse prior to the start of each home. Elway is great... Elway is great. Also, give yourself a PUNCH for not including Hamden!
  11. Happy Birthday to all three!
  12. Damn you!! I was going to go with: "Joba doesn't have a cousin Patty."
  13. Dear God, I was walking right in front of that Sbarro just a month and a half ago!!! Let me get this straight Bruckheimer is going to do a remake of a Disney cartoon that starred Mickey Mouse and it's going to have nic cage AND car chases?!?!? I can only imagine what Jerry "the Bruck" would do Dumbo or Songs of the South!!!!
  14. RIP Capt Chaos!
  15. I hear you Chevy.... I was watching "Gangland" on the History channel last week and they did a show on the biker gang "The Sons of Silence" and they portrayed Lily-white, conservative Colorado Springs as: "A city at the base of the majestic Rocky Mountains that is ruled by a one-percenter motorcycle gang called The Sons of Silence. Nothing happens in Colorado Springs unless the Sons want it to happen." BTW, I sent my mother your book about inspirational Buffalo stories and she really liked it. Thanks for helping make her 64th a little better.
  16. The Bills: 7-9... second verse same as the first, except now we're in the third fuggin verse. TBD: Idiocy reigns and most of us don't have the sense to come inside when it reigns. Oh yeah and we lost Sketch Soland and no one knows where he is. Personally: antagonizing beerball and contributing to the aforementioned idiocy. That is all...
  17. Wow dev... tremendous story, I'm sorry for you loss. My wife had a very similar experience when her grandfather passed away. He would be visited by different men from time to time. One of "them" was someone from his past that he didn't really like, because my wife distinctly remembers him looking at someone in by the closet and saying "You were a SOB back then and you still are." (No beerball, I wasn't in the room, he wasn't talking to me...) He also talked about other "people" coming in to talk about "the trip." The hospice worker said that is sometimes a normal part of the "passing" process... the living are visited by people they either need to have closure with or people to help them with their "journey." Thanks for sharing dev...
  18. No kidding huh? Why does he have to be so bitter about the subject?
  19. Head for the hills folks, they are claiming someone in good ol Bemus Point has it. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/657582.html (found it interesting the case is listed as "probable" but the headline says "has") http://www.post-journal.com/page/content.d...9.html?nav=5018 http://www.post-journal.com/page/content.d...8.html?nav=5018 ... and let the mayhem back home begin.
  20. Man, they were beauties weren't they? Billdo telling us how he's going out to the bars on Friday night to hang out with all the beautiful people. Then telling us the next day or possibly later that evening about all his adventures in club land... man that was some heady stuff.
  21. I L'd, but not OL. Pretty good one though Pooj.
  22. It's like the media is holding up a big sparkly object (called H1N1J5Q7 or "pig flu") for all the mouth breathers to gawk at. Good bye cruel world... Please feel free to start up a silent thread or an RIP thread in my honor and also get the fund raising efforts started for a paver now!
  23. Happy Birthday Mark and Nick! Enjoy what's left of your day to the fullest!
  24. No it wasn't end of story, Justn... my opinion is right, yours sucks. Does that qualify as a film or a "snippet?" "nother one I thought of: Beverly Hills Cop 3 (which then reminded me of Meet Dave, Vampire in Brooklyn, Holy Man, Daddy Day Care and of course no list would be complete without Eddie's crowning achievement Best Defense.)
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