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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Congratulations Mead on 31 years of playing waaaaay over your head.
  2. Hey man, I don't care why you care! I think the shirt is a piece of crap too. Buffalo Football... harrrumph... is it the Colorado Buffalo football, UB Bulls football? They can't even list the players names on the back that made the team? Who's gonna buy that crap! And leave Beerball alone, he's never bothered anyone.... ... except Billdo, Steely Dan, Sketch Soland, me, Leonidas McKelvin, SKOOBY, you apparently.
  3. "Trump said he and other pageant officials had reviewed racy photos of Prejean and decided they were acceptable." Oh I bet he did "review" the racy photos.
  4. After reading your post, I had to go back and watch it again... sure enough clockwise spin, counter clockwise spin, clockwise spin, still getting his ass handed to him... Christ, he virtually sucks.
  5. Wow, how this thing has lasted this long without being shifted over to the PPP board, I'll never know. FTR, I know who Feherty is and really like him a lot. In fact, I own two of his books. His battles with depression and alcoholism were well documented in Golf magazine I think... I thought his story was pretty remarkable.
  6. 10 of 10, but the Journey one I had to listen to a couple times.
  7. I think his fandom borders on myopic. IMO his writing is basically scripted each week. It goes as follows: Pick Boston-centric topic add 2 parts 90's pop-culture reference (ie: 90210, Road House or Seattle Grunge music) match with 2 parts 80s pop culture (ferris buellers day off, Indiana Jones and any of the Rocky movies) sprinkle with references to friends of your using odd nicknames add 1 part calling and talking to dad on the phone write one side-bar column under the assumed roll of "sports gal" reference at least three times being a long-suffering Red Sox fan add a dash of Curt Schilling, David Ortiz or Tom Brady Mix and serve as a "NEW" column The only thing he's written recently that wasn't drek, was the article about hid dog dying. That's just my opinion on him, so I could be wrong... it's not just coincidence that he's the only columnist that doesn't have a comments section at the end of his article.
  8. Since the draft, I've been trying to keep track, so here's what I think is the current barometer: ESPN - bad Bill Simmons - eternally bad (nobody that I know of likes this douchenozzle) Mel Kiper - good Yahoo Sports - bad Todd McShay - good Don Banks - was bad, but is now good Jim Rome - good (I think, I can't remember, I heard him being spoke of fondly recently) Gregg Easterbrook - good because he has relatives in this area I think? Chris Berman - good (but once he announces someone other than the Bills making the Super Bowl, that will change) Peter King - bad unless he writes something nice about Jim Kelly
  9. So for those of you keeping score at home... We like Don Banks and we hate Peter King. That is all....
  10. Why doesn't SNL just bill Timberlake as part of the cast already? He's only on the show every other week now.
  11. Rebel flag - Check. Misspelled word - Check. Hand painted "warning sign" - Check. Tiny shack sitting in mud - Check. Yep, that passes the smell test... them's some redneck folk right thar.
  12. Where's the eff-you emoticon?!!
  13. Happy birthday Woody!
  14. Jesus H. Christ, does anyone read around here anymore?
  15. I know what you mean Gord, during the winter I watched quite a bit of the MLB network and they had a lot of shows featuring highlights from the 80s and I forgot how "normal" the players looked back then. I remember Bo Jackson with the Royals and Kevin Mitchell with the Mets being the first players I really remember being "cut."
  16. Stargell, George Foster, Schmidt, Kingman, Jack Clark, Eddie Murray Cecil Fielder, Strawberry (steriods is probably the only drug he DIDN'T do)
  17. So right now we like Don Banks then right?
  18. Anyone have any inside info on Ralph selling the team after all?
  19. Thanks Tom... I miss playing ball there and then running over the College Inn or Miley's for post-game refreshments.
  20. I've been known to rock the Jim Kelly slick back from time to time just to piss Mrs. Bullpen off. Syas it reminds her of Gordon Gecko....
  21. Gringo, this is some of your finest work. Steely isn't the kitty s'posed to handing out fists o' fury for postings like this?
  22. I think back in the day when I used to listen to him, I heard him say that from time to time... Jesus that puts things into perspective, he's most likely been saying that for 10 years now...
  23. Yeah I've HEARD the same thing. Favorite quote (probably have to have seen the interview to really appreciate it.) Tony Gwynn and Ted Williams are on Sports Center talking to each other for the Sunday Evening Conversation. Ted and Tony and talking about weight. Ted says, "So you go about what 190, 195?" Tony says in his whiteman's voice, "No actually I'm about 225 right now." (this was in the late 90s when he was still playing) and ol' Teddy Ballgame obviously not caring that the cameras are rolling says: "Jesus Christ you're a fat fug aren't' ya?" Obviously it was bleeped out, but to this day it's one of my favorite quotes of all time. Wish I could find it on Al Gore's Inner-net somewhere.
  24. Lois Griffin DOES NOT have that affect on me! ..... everyone around here knows it's Erin Esurance.
  25. Thank you kind sir. Now I need a new keyboard since mine's filled with soda.
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