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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Probably some of the best non-academic related advice you can get right there. Also: When possible, hit the "no-frills" type stores for non-perishible food items. Stay on top of your dishes... those will spiral out of control before you know it. Same with Laundry. Last thing you want to do on a Saturday afternoon is 5 hours of Laundry while your buddies are out doing fun stuff. WATCH your laundry! I sounds crazy, but I lost (read: had stolen) lots of unattended clothes in my day. Sucks. Dorm life is a necessary evil your freshman year. Make the most of it, but don't turn it into a 24 hour party zone either. Lysol... you can never have enough of it. You're going to be living in a giant petri dish. Don't go Howie Mandel or anything, but keep your stuff clean. In that same vein, stock up on medicines you might need. The last thing you want to do is stagger to the drug store at 9 pm with a fever to get tylenol and NyQuil. And like KD said... stay away from Coke.
  2. To quote one Elmer J. Fudd: Norf winds bwow!!! Souf winds bwow! Huwicane, Tornado! SMOG!!!!!
  3. Yeah he married over his head with Geena Davis too! RIP Jeff Goldblum.
  4. Hey did you guys hear about Jeff Goldblum?
  5. When life gives you tomatoes, make tomato juice.
  6. As an unabashed hater of Simmons, I'll give his due on this one. Interesting history in that piece. I've always said as much crap as Buffalo sports fans get, the San Diego franchises really put their die-hard fans (if there are any) through the hay-bailer of sports fandom.
  7. A white 1993 Ford Bronco, former NFL player/tag along included as a driver.
  8. I actually used to see him in Bemus Point from time to time at the Surf Club or the See-Zuhr House. Let me tell you what he/it can NOT hold it's liquor. Last time I saw him there, they threw him off the porch of the See-Zuhr House for leaking hydraulic fluid all over the place. I guess he and Conlan used to fish together out on ol' Chit-taw-kwaw lake back in the day when Shane was a local celeb and the robot was still just a part-time soft ice cream machine. He IS a hell of a golfer though. I guess he played in the Italian-American Golf Tournament at Holiday Valley a couple weeks ago and did fairly well. (TomCat would have to verify that and I have not been home this summer). Again, too much liquor resulting in hydraulic leaks on the green and now Holiday Valley lost the grass on three of their greens.
  9. Volunteer Firefighters are arsonists... WHAT?!?!?!
  10. Yeah I don't really get the whole Megan Fox thing either. Of course as perviously documented, I'm much better than both of them. Perhaps this link will interest you: http://www.cracked.com/funny-243-megan-fox/
  11. Fug dude!!! What's wrong with you!!!!
  12. So Marshall Faulk - bad and NFLTA - good? Just trying to keep the docket up to date you know!
  13. I almost editted out the "I am" part too! Well I am mostly of irish decent. Sorry if I ruined the visual for you. I've always thought that she looked like him... facially of course.
  14. I am. No, sersiously I think my point is, I'm not a Rembrandt but I see paintings that don't appeal to me I might make the comment that it looks like something a preschooler would paint. I'm no Bruce Springsteen (stirring the pot) but I hear certain music and I might say it sounds like someone doing spoken verse over the sounds of someone dropping a bag of empty cans... it's simply an observation. Sarah Jessica Parker TO ME resembles Dee Snider. I'm no better than her, it's just my thought. Fair enough?
  15. Two new ponies in the stable!?!?! Sketch will be soooo excited!!! And all along I thought Matt-chew Broderick was married to Dee Snider.
  16. I would agree with you except for the two brothers on the Wizard. I LOATH those fuggers! Arguing about sleeping though a heard of sea lions?!?! Now when they had that accident on the boat and had a lot of injuries, I thought they handled that well, but other than that incident, I really can't stand those guys. Of course, they are probably editted to look like a couple of bitching old banty hens. Oooo, good one, I wish I had thought of that!!! As mentioned in the "Things that are overated" thread... Dean and Chef Jim having a verbal tet-a-tet is NOT overated.
  17. Wow!!! A Chef Jim and Dean verbal sparring!?!?! That is NOT overrated!!! I've been waiting for this one since Leonard v Hagler!!!! *grabs lawn chair and cooler of beer* ... this one's gonna be good!
  18. So if there's no county fairs, then that means there's no carnies? How in the hell do you ever get to see your family then?
  19. Hey now you knock that off Mr. Beeeeeeerbaaaaaaaaaawwwwl. Deano is our resident music snob. Chef is our resident wine snob. I'm our resident cheap beer snob.... errr nevermind.
  20. damn you... beat me to it.
  21. Now you just watch out now!!! I intimated something about him and juicing. I think my exact words were, "steriod-induced stroke" and I got a harsh tongue scolding from the aforementioned WEO.
  22. Sea captains Amity Island
  23. Well at least they'll be able to have WATER on the sidelines now instead of it always turning to wine when he walks by. ...aaaaaaaaand queue Mr. WEO in five... four... three... two...
  24. Three-putting NOT being able to lay down a bunt!!! The Apostle Tedy Bruschi Curt Schilling's "opinions" MTV Bud Selig, Gary Bettman and Roger Goodell Colorado drivers Canadian Mist, Kamchatka, Ronrico and Famous Grouse Whiskey hitting a knee-high wedge front-runners North Korea Jenny McCarthy and her "medical opinions" The View My ex The Texas Longhorn bullpen last night Caddyshack II Beverly Hills Cop III and IV overcooked steak and undercooked chicken mesquite smoke
  25. I don't know Fez, maybe it's the way the local store in the Springs does them, but at least 3 or 4 out of every dozen my son and I get BARELY has any sauce on them. Maybe the manager is a cheap-ass and is only allowing the min-wage line cooks to use a portion of the recomended sauce. Now I will say, they do have a pretty good selection of sauces, it's just the fact that not all the wings get a decent or ANY amount of sauce on them. Side note: when I bring my son home to WNY he eats wings at least once a day. He's learned to appreciate a good wing and is becoming a bonafide wing snob. Only uses blue cheese, accepts only crispy wings, wants them drenched in sauce.
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