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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Latrell Spreewell's favorite! If we only get ONE, can it be Beerball please?
  2. What would The Dean suggest? FWIW, what you did COULD have been the right thing with the "right" type of kid who could/would learn something from it, but short of revisionist history there's no way of knowing how he was going to take your kindness/lesson. Chalk it up to experience, then refer to The Dean's advice...
  3. Here ya go! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A
  4. Business related ones: Drink from the fire hose Long pole in the tent meeting of the minds shift the paradigm lets reinvent the wheel Other: don't hate the game hate the playa Deja vu all over again (I don't even think Yogi ever said this) Going out on a limb Indulge me for a minute
  5. I suppose... sheesh, keeping this list is becoming quite a labours task. I doubt I'll be able to keep up with it once hte season starts!
  6. No kidding! I've got a bunch of grape and cherry tomatoes and none of 'em are ripe yet! They're getting huge, but just not ripening.
  7. Whoooo chile! What if it was Marshall Faulk you saw doing it? Sorry to threadjack...
  8. I'll keep a Marty Feldman eye out for his non-bylined work and keep tabs on his azz! Your feelings have been noted in the media hate-o-meter! Please PM me if your views change...
  9. Well Pooj, you asked for it!!! Click here please: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A
  10. I think they had summer during the week (8-09 through 8/16) I was home for grandmother's funeral. The rest of the summer has sucked I'm told.
  11. Stye is STILL hurting. Remedies include potato, used t-bag, silver and SALT?!?!
  12. Duly noted Lori! As soon as I see a post with some NFL talking head's name in the title, I know I have to go in and update my list. Here's what we have as of 1:49 PM MST 8/6/09: ESPN - bad Bill Simmons - eternally bad (nobody that I know of likes this douchenozzle) Mel Kiper - good CBS Sports - bad see Pete Prisco towards bottom of list Yahoo Sports - bad Mort - bad (he'll never get out of this category... everyone here hates him) Todd McShay - good Don Banks - was bad, but is now good Jim Rome - ehhh not so great, but not bad (he makes fun of TO's show, but he's probably right though) Gregg Easterbrook - good because he has relatives in this area I think? Chris Berman - good (but once he announces someone other than the Bills making the Super Bowl, that will change) Peter King - bad so-so, he likes our training camp, but isn't sure how TE is going to mesh with TO Colin Cowherd - bad (I forget why, but I know we don't like him right now) Skip Bayless - bad (thinks we should pick up Vick) Tim Graham (waiting for exit poll numbers... right now I think we like him?) John Clayton - good Gene Wojciechowski - bad Lori - since she's one of our regulars here, she gets a pass, but only as long as she praises the Bills The Dunkirk Disturber - bad The Tonawanda Snooze - bad both these guys and the Disturber wrote unflattering op-eds about Terrell Owens Pete Prisco - bad, he thinks we'll be luck to make 7-9 and end up 31th overall The Sporting News - good, we like them because they said the Bills are 1 of 5 teams ready to crash the playoff party Marshall Faulk - bad he picked us to go 7-9 for the 4th year in a row GOOD, he thinks Andre Reed should be in the HOF! Mike Florio - bad, the list is waaaaay too long to list here
  13. Same here. As vet my opinion doesn't count any more or any less than anyone else's, but I say it's honor.
  14. I have a stye in my eye today. It looks like this:
  15. WRONG!!!! Stanton Boyd: What kind of a name is Poon? Fletch: Comanche Indian.
  16. If you answer this one correctly, you sir are in fact truly amazing. What kind of a name is Poon?
  17. Interestingly enough, it's the same number as the cords of wood that a woodchuck, chucks!!!! Now for something completely different, if "she" sells seashells by the seashore, how much is "she" selling them for?
  18. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  19. Just out of curiosity, I watched Trailer #2 and this one and they basically took all the same scenes and just shuffled the order in which they were shown. Another classic case of seeing all the best scenes of a movie in the 2 minute trailer? More pablum for the mouth breathers who blindly buy into the conspiracy or mass-panic dujour.
  20. Those aren't pillows...
  21. Hells Kitchen has some pretty decent off the beaten path bars and restaurants, if you are looking for something like that in the evenings. Not so "touristy" as some of the more mainstream places.
  22. My cousins lived in Eden growing up and we used to go to the festival every summer. Man, those were good times. I'm a typewriter style corn eater FWIW. I use the same technique with soaking it for an hour in water. Seems to come out better than any other way I've tried it. My dad has a friend that has some not-so-straight teeth (think of Marion Jones bicuspid that sticks out too far) and he was widely reputed to "hook" a row of corn in that tooth and drag the row across and pull all the kernels off that way. I didn't believe it until I played in the member-guest tournament with my dad one year and watched that guy eat corn.. sure enough he uses that technique and never misses a kernel.
  23. I've heard of Free Parking... is this some kind of hybrid space on the board or something new? Yes, we do the same at our house when we play. I use the Chef RR strategy BTW. Park Place and Boardwalk are sucker bets if you ask me. It's like hitting "00" on roulette.
  24. Would guys QUIT already? Here: Elizabeth Perkins was pretty hot in the movie "Big." ... now let's move on.
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