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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. I think SNL was relevant about that last time the Bills were relevant.
  2. Blind date. A friend of mine who I used to play softball with was dating my wife's friend and those two introduced us. Didn't really like eachother at first. She thought I was full of myself, I thought she was stand-offish and boring. Ten years later, I realize I outkicked my coverage by a lot when I married her. (Before Beerball can get his stupid dig in) "She must still be blind to be married to me."
  3. Thanks guys, it was fun chatting/ranting/second guess/el-oh-elling with you all. See you later this evening.
  4. I love when Easterbrook uses that line!
  5. Howie Long is infintely worse in the CHevy commercials. ALthough it does show his true douche-bagginess.
  6. Parrish looked like a tulip bulb on that one!!!
  7. Well that should just about do it... Beer-thirty time I guess.
  8. Good point, but he really DOES need to drop that ball in there. Time for some Chroise under center. I keeeeed, I keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!
  9. Dammit Edwards hit your recievers!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. WTF?!?! THe feed jumped to the Pittsburgh/Cincinnati game? Nevermind, it's back...
  11. Must be solar flares? Mine is kind of choppy as well. I've got one eye on this game and my "marty feldman eye" is on the Rockies/Cards game.
  12. This is what I've got Dev: http://www.atdhe.net/8931/watch-new-orlean...s-buffalo-bills
  13. Try closing out and reconnecting to the link Dev... that worked for me
  14. Is anyone else having sporatic internet feed of the game?
  15. Good use of "Swaths" Right up there with "rough-shod"
  16. Did it look like Reggie Bush was pouting on the 4th and inches play?
  17. Does it really surprise any of us anymore?
  18. Pierre Thomas looking like the second coming of Gale Sayers! Jeckyl and Hyde Defense by the Bills. (or Heckle and Jeckle... however you prefer)
  19. It's like the left DE for New ORleans KNOWS not to collapse the pocket, just take a direct out to the side that Trent will roll to.
  20. Thanks San Jose!! Beer out the nose on a Sunday afternoon was on my schedule, I just didn't know if the opportunity would present itself.
  21. It was only a matter of time before they flagged Trent for Int Grounding...
  22. Yeah, but I don't remember seeing him do anything productive last year either...
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