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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Nope! Probably not!
  2. Had the mummies in question been to Ra-cha-cha and had the garbage plate?
  3. It was sarcasm is response to dib's post about most people not knowing anything about American History. I am, in fact, reading Ken Burns Civil War book right now, so I knew/know the difference. It was just a little levity to dib's accurate statement that a large number of people know NOTHING about our own friggin history.
  4. Duh!!!???!!! Hello? Greg Gabriel: http://www.chicagobears.com/team/FrontOffi...ont_office_id=7 Awesome Pup will be over to see both of you shortly. Have your keyboards ready.
  5. Being an ignorant hick who believed Elvis was in fact still alive. Not sure what was a bigger joke, his "racing career" or coaching.
  6. Clipper my man!!! Where ya been? You remember that time in 1989 when I was #4 on the Super Seven Athletes of the week? Thanks man, that was really cool to put me up there. I'm honored that your first post was a reply to me!
  7. You sure? Wasn't it Clip Smith? What? Too soon? Sorry... RIP Clipper. Of Jerky Boys fame? He's a take charge kinda guy!
  8. At least Ralph got you a present even if no one else around here did! Enjoy your day to the fullest!!! Oh and someone named "Shiny Chicken" is also celebrating today as well.
  9. So true! If you were believe the producers of "Gangland" Colorado Springs is a city at a crossroads. It's the ground zero battle ground between the police and the Sons of Silence biker gang, which controls the city's "seedy" underground. According to the show nothing happens in this town unless the SoS allows it to happen. I've lived here almost 15 years and have seen this gang exactly twice... maybe I need visit the "seedy" underground?
  10. Well Cincy, I figured since we were fresh out of "where's the best wings", "Jim Kelly is buying the Bills" and "our O-line sucks" topics so it was time to go with some Henny Youngman schtick. Sorry ya know?
  11. Well Bills have already been full of "Mularkey" so why the heck shouldn't their future look "Grimm?"
  12. I've been watching it as well, it's a really great series. Has a Ken Burns feel to it, but it moves along at a better pace than Burnsey's show. I never understood though, what good did it do for the us to burn Atlanta, it didn't really hasten the end of WWII and why did we burn our own property?
  13. No, I know what's you're saying, but on the surface, it looked like a "no-brainer" pick at the time. BTW, I friggin LOVE Gruden in the booth... his line about seeing the ball at least near the playing field was beer-spittingly funny!
  14. Wonder can they "claim" this on taxes?
  15. We likes this thread! I read every post and I find it quite interesting* * I read it during Bills games, so you can understand why I find THIS interesting.
  16. The worst part, I remember riding in the car with my wife when they announced on the radio that the "Felons" passed on Quinn to take Ted Ginn and I laughed like a fat little school boy with a bucket of Nestle Crunch Bars. My wife is a Felons fan (I can't say much for her taste... she married me after all) and she didn't see the humor in the situation. Man, I really thought Miami blew it by passing on Quinn... sigh.
  17. What's goin on in dis here thread?!?!
  18. How in the hell did the Bills lose to this team? I mean Quinn just batted his own deflected pass to the ground to prevent another pick-six?!?!? Oh the horror of it all... even when I'm not watching the Bills, I'm reminded of how truly bad they are.
  19. Not a bad idea (coming from you Mr. Bawl)! Strike while the iron is hot! Get someone to bite on the "he's the next up and coming Darrell Green" bait huh? Good plan! Let's stock pile some first rounders and hope that we get at least ONE pick right! You're hired my man. Surely the Raider or someone would bite on that trade. Hell Byrd is most likely a flash in the pan, let's get rid of him while there's still a market for him!
  20. RIP Ken! "Kenny wasn't like the other kids... Remote Control TV mattered, nothing else did... Remote Control Girls said yes, but he said no... Remote Control Now he's got, his own game show... Remote Control." Don't ask me why the brain cell that holds those "lyrics" continue to live... lord knows I've tried killing it over the years.
  21. So does this mean her gravy training parents "managerial team" is going to enter her in more PGA tournaments?
  22. I approve of her. I would commit a multitude of egregious offenses for the chance to...well....you know, give her "the treatment."
  23. "It's hard to win in this league... when you have the leadership and play calling imagination of a Bic pen."
  24. He's not hurt, he's just tired. Too much wasted energy false-starting.
  25. Pooj, can you crank up the point size of your text, I can't understand what your trying to say!
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