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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Oh wait!!!! One other culinary delight that I specialize in is eating BISON ING CHIP DIP with chips, but for some reason every time Chef goes back home to NY, he forgets to drop some dip off in Colorado!!!! It's not like we don't have Balloon boys floating all over the place that he couldn't just kick it off the plane and have balloon boy bring it by my house!!!!!!
  2. My wife says if we stay "home" too long (read: 7 days or longer) I pick it back up a bit. I find (even though I have no Italian American heritage) that "mingia" works its way back into my vernacular... it's a big Jimmytown thing I'm told.
  3. I was channeling you, you dumb old fart. Now will hurry up and punch your ticket, I have you a dead pool!!!
  4. My skills include makin popcorn, Spam sandwiches and hotdogs! *Goes back to breathing through mouth and dragging knuckles*
  5. *channeling Andy Rooney* "Didja ever notice that when an athlete gets beat up, he gets sucker punched and when a 'regular joe' gets beat up, he gets assaulted?"
  6. Isn't it strange (read: sad) how the most mundane or random things trigger your brain into thinking about TSW sometimes? You know, this talk about smokable foods got me to thinking; maybe we could gather up all those Asian carp and cram 'em into a giant smokehouse... wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, our carp and hunger problems are solved!!!
  7. Oh for the love of... Will you give it rest already?!?!? I suppose you're too good for microwave popcorn too!!!
  8. I wish there was an emoticon for "shaking one's head in pity for the previous poster." You are really off your game today, Mr. Bawl.
  9. I wish there was an emoticon for "shaking one's head in pity for the previous poster."
  10. you! It was all I could find under Mrs. Beerball's side of the bed before I left! DUH!??!?!? The extra stuff goes to Germany... just like a person's hunger.
  11. The problem with this "celebrity" is he's going for deliberate shock value, and it’s not shocking, but dull and unoriginal. Lambert did exactly what anyone who followed his American Idol run would probably expec; he tried to shock people, and make them say, “Wow! Adam Wow! He's certainly departed from his American Karaoke image. Our favorite flakey little fruit cake has grown up." But when people are done saying “Wow!” they’ll likely join the rest of us in not listening. Because the song he performed, “For Your Entertainment,” is bad. Brutally bad. Hearing it done live only drives this home even more. This shock value entertainment has a very limited shelf life, before it becomes contrived and hackneyed. See: Marilyn Manson, Andrew Dice Clay, Britney Spears, almost anything the WWE cranks out, et al...
  12. Dib, sent you a PM. Cincy, the worst part is price of that stupid thing. Of course Cabela's is very proud of their stuff and it's priced accordingly. JR, I looked at Paul Prudomme's recipe for turducken... After reviewing the recipe, I heard nothing but cash registers ringing and what would be my subsequent cussing and ranting after spending 15 hours trying to make the damn thing and said to hell with it.
  13. I ordered one from Cabela's a couple years ago. I was throughly underwhelmed. Save the money and effort if you ask me.
  14. Good grief, that story freaked me out. Like Faustus said, how he maintained his sanity through that ordeal is beyond me.
  15. Sorry, it has to be done: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A Nothing personal, just not a very accurate evaluation of Poz's game yesterday IMO.
  16. "Well, you know maybe we could take care of this right here. You know, I want to be in compliance, here in Brainerd."
  17. Regardless of what PTR thinks (no offense Promo), this might be one of the best thread titles I've ever seen on TSW!! Kelly, you never fail to entertain! (BTW, I didn't think you were being overly negative either, just very candid.)
  18. A morning staple of the Bullpen childhood. Damn, it sucks getting old.
  19. Why are you maykin fun of the waay we taak upstayte? I seen someone at Wahmart taakin like that and asked 'em where they was from. They said Chicago. Mingia, wierd huh? You posted this and thaat you were funny din't ya? Mingia, I don't know why you think it's so crayzy ta taak like that. I hope this thread is gahn by Mondey. I orght to wersh your mouth out wiith soap.
  20. Well this thread has spiraled into a dysmal abyss of nonsense hasn't it? Was it a forward lateral or not? RJ or DF? Let's try something new shall we? Where's the best place to get wings in Buffalo?
  21. Buffalo Billdo? LSI Cadet? (now that would go down as the ULTIMATE ruse!!!) Ice? Ice Cold Bruschi? Them's thar is my guesses!
  22. My wife and I played hooky from work that day and decided to go up to one of the mountain town casinos for the day. The bar we happened to be in had satellite TV and for some strange reason they had Empire Sports Network on (keep in mind this is the middle of Colorado, so it's an odd channel to have on) and they were covering the "blood letting" that happened that day. The sound was down, but I could tell something was going on and asked the bartender to turn the sound up. I spent the rest of afternoon, just sitting at the bar drowning my sorrows, while my wife was raking in on the slot machines. Awful day then, still a horrible today.
  23. Jesus, I can't imagine. RIP. Thoughts and prayers with Chris and the family. Those with significant others... go and give her/him a hug and kiss.
  24. Shhhh, I'm circumventing the language filter...
  25. Awesome Pup appreciates the sentiment, but unless the winner gets a year's supply of ribeye steaks, he's not really interested in being named Chompion.
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