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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Keep in mind the world is full of mouth breathers who believe everything they read because it's on Al Gore's Innerwebz.
  2. Nothing I love more than to see TMZ exposed as hack "journalism."
  3. We have a nice windchill of -5 today. Luckily the snow has moved out of Colorado.
  4. Doesn't it mean, I scraped my knuckle on the grater while making hash browns from scratch? Besides, Balloon Boy is so October, haven't we moved on to Eldrick Woods now?
  5. Jesus, no kidding. Really puts into perspective how incredibly mediocre the Bills have been over the last 10 years.
  6. Don't you DARE say that about Tom Jolls!!!
  7. Actually the guy you're speaking of has asked me to "film" these movies for him using a hand-held video camera. Waitaminute... you know this guy too?
  8. Uh yeah, I forgot to mention, I um, won't be posting on TBD for about 90 days or so... but it's completely unrelated to any of this whatsoever.
  9. In no particular order (as stated numerous times above) Cry, Cry Again Chunnel The Other Side of Darkness Prognosis Negative Rochelle, Rochelle Death Blow Checkmate Cupid's Rifle The Helsinki Formula Mountain High
  10. I think he prefers Sims.... "where an educated consumer, is our best customer."
  11. 1985 we beat Roy-Hart at Rich. In the mid 80's they kind of got "cheap" with the Rich Stadium experience, as I remember. We didn't get access to the lockerooms that year and I think for halftime we ended up in the equipment garage. I was a JVer back then, so it's all a little foggy now. Obviously I didn't play, but we got to suit up and hang out on the sideline. Walking out of the tunnel was one of my favorite memories of HS football.
  12. Wow Cincy... sobering to say the least.
  13. BTW, is Colorado home to the only drivers who actually come to a complete stop before trying to merge with traffic? For some reason these asshats thinks it's better to come to a complete stop and then try to merge at 25 to 35 mph. I see it all the time, not so much on the interstates, but on four-lane divided highways, it's an everyday occurrance. I swear this place is home to the worst drivers in the world and it only gets worse during skiing season!!!
  14. I too was kind of caught up in the moment and took what you said as callous and yes derogatory, but I don't take myself seriously enough to make it into a huge issue... no biggie Mr. Pants... I guess like Beerball said, you're better than that. It's not worth turning this into a "Fancy Pants is an a-hole/Bullpen is a pompous jerk" issue. No harm, no foul. Chef, YOU on the other hand are a giant a-hole and I take great umbrage to what you said!!!! No will you please reply to the PM I sent you this weekend?!?!?
  15. Hazed, give me some of your tots.
  16. Crayonz, you never fail to entertain, I'll give you that. Can we make a case against Derek Fine as well? I mean his favorite halloween candy is candy corn for cryin out loud!!!
  17. I normally don't take exception to anything you post pants... but really? I always put her in the "sneaky hot" list. Sorry to hear of her passing. Wow... I was just noticing today at Blockbuster how many movies she was in. Obviously most not "award winning" type movies, but still... thoughts and prayers to her family and friends. Too bad it looks like the circumstances of her death are suspicious at best.
  18. No, I think I'll try the Eldrick approach to this one.
  19. Nothing further needs to be said KD. Thank you, your work here is done for the day. The future Mrs. Bullpen...
  20. Oh bawl... you've done it again! As for advice on this situation; I think Don Henley said it best: Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies We got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pie Love to cut you down to size We love dirty laundry
  21. Because it is... Really man, there's nothing here to "challenge" it's just an oversight on my part when I made the post.
  22. Athletic Supporter/Jock Strap
  23. Another pet peev, almost anything my wife does when she drives, she really is one of the worst drivers I've ever been around. He dad even agreed with me when I asked him about her driving habits.
  24. Volly's are arsonists.
  25. I talked to a co-worker who runs the college radio station here and he said, most likely what he does is either: A. Like you said, he uses a old fashioned land line telephone and alternates between phone and studio mic. or B. He has a second mic in studio that has an "auto-tune" type instrumant on it that will change his voice to the character's. But during the arguing segments, he would have to have the mics very close so he could alternate between them.
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