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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Actually the question is did Fancy's boss say bad awful things causing Fancy's shoes to fall off? By the way VA, he skipped my question too, must not have had answers for our questions.
  2. Alright, so the part where I said he hasn't got a lot left in his tank was wrong as well. Would you not agree that he was part of a complete package defense with Pittsburgh, thus his numbers aren't as gaudy? Nevermind, don't reply, stats can and are manipulated depending on who is quoting them. But the whole "do your homework before you make a comment" is cute and snarky... thanks for the cyber spanking. Have a great day!
  3. He's the modern version of Bryan Cox.... lots of bluster, not a lot of actual on-field talent left in his tank. His best days were in Pittsburgh about five years ago.
  4. Wow I said almost the exact same thing referring to Colorado a couple weeks ago when we were visiting Disneyworld... I guess I didn't realize I was dissing Colorado as much as I was saying I appreciated being in a warm climate in the middle of January. I agree with Darin this never gets old.
  5. Congratulations! She should be ready for some Johnny's in a week or two then! Next time you're at Miley's have 'em pour you a beer and put it on my tab. (I normally pay up every two years when I come home.) Seriously, that's awesome man, I'm really happy for you, now hurry up and move her out of Jimmytown!
  6. No Huddle K-Gun Offense Chicago 46 Blitz The opponents are going to be some tired mofo's by the end of the game.
  7. Everyone know when you're in Rome, you do as the Romans do, but what if you're southeast of there in Utica? Do you join the Utica Club or do as Uticans do?
  8. Thanks Gringo.... heeeeeey wait a minute, I think think that was a flagrant personal intentional foul? Senile, what is that some sort of Italian word like, mingia? We'll have to do that sometime when you're out here again. Thanks all for the greetings... even Gringo and Buffalo.
  9. Thank's guys. Celebrating the Jamie Mueller Birthday this year. Happy birthday to the other four sharing a pre-groundhog day! If I could have one wish for my birthday it would be for a quick and complete recovery for Beerball. (now when he gets better no one tell him I said that.)
  10. Since you didn't ask: Yep I would.
  11. Having just read the caringbridge site for John, I can honestly say two things: 1. Steely, does the word verbose mean anything to you? (I keed, I keed) 2. You guys are some of the best people, I've ever had the privilege of meeting. Kudos to all of you. This isn't about being fellow Bills fans, this about caring about a friend and his family in a time of need. Good on all you. It was a wonderful way to start out my Saturday morning. to each and every one of you.
  12. Because something has to get worse ratings than the Nets vs Knicks game?
  13. Absolutely... Please give him my best, he and I talk quite often off TBD and he's one of the good guys. Prayers on the way.
  14. Kendrick Office.
  15. Fancy and Bawl were born on the same day? Throw Kgun in there for good measure? That explains ALOT! Kidding, my good man, kidding! Happy birthday to some rather dashing gentlemen!
  16. ugh... completely unlistenable... all of the above. Agree 100% Gwen is about all they have going for them and the three guys have to know that. I would like to submit for your consideration, the work of "The Blackeyed Peas" Almost the exact same as No Doubt, just swap Gwen for Fergie. Horrible music...
  17. Guinness when cost isn't an issue. For average everyday beer, probably labatts. As far as an obscure beer that I like, it would have to be Tommyknocker Ornery Amber. It's made in Idaho Springs, CO and it's one of my all time favorites Brewery website: http://www.tommyknocker.com/
  18. Lest we forget a class act like Mark Maddox. Talked to him, Bruce Smith and Phil Hanson one time when I had a sideline pass for a preseason game against Houston in San Antonio. Bruce and Phil wanted to borrow my camera so they could zoom in on the cheerleaders, Mark actually took time to talk to me and find out my connection to Buffalo all the way down in San Antone. Really great guy.
  19. Figured you would figure a way to throw Derek Fine in there again... him and his candy-corn lovin ass.
  20. Art Still or Larry Kinnebrew. And because he is an AFA alum Bryce Fisher. Knew him pretty well when I worked in the AD at the Academy. Really good guy. (good call Bartshan!)
  21. Couldn't have been me, I was on your mama's couch!!! Back at ya Bill!
  22. That was my favorite part of the whole video!
  23. Mr. Pants, we disagreed with eachother a couple weeks, ago, but you my good sir are spot in with BOTH of these statements!
  24. Beerbawl will make some really dumb statements in 2010. Crayonz is going to catch a lot of fish with his "trolling" posts. Some regular posters from TBD will go to great lengths to defend the team from New England and of course Tom Brady. There will be 25-35 posters with "inside information" on the goings on with the Bills front office. The Dean will show up sometime before the NFL draft. Someone will start a topic about the best place to get wings in Buffalo. The Bills will not make the playoffs. The Sabres will. That should just about do it I think. Looks like I'm batting about 1.000 for the season!
  25. Ask Cincy, I believe he has a first-hand account of the whole thing. What a lovely avatar you have today dib! You rarely disappoint.
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