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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. You've got some moxie there Buftex, I like the cut of your jib! My wife and I are going to renew our wedding vows (there we go again living in the past), would you be interested in attending? We're registered at NFLShop.com!
  2. I don't know about Old Yeller, but I do know there's a horse that's being beaten to death around here.
  3. Three posts in two days, saying in essence the exact same thing? C'mon man, be better than that. We got it the first two times you posted it, you don't want to live on yesterday anymore. A quick solution would be to simply avoid the topics that deal with issues you don't like (ie: days of yesteryear.) It will save you a lot of angst and needless ranting. Pip-pip and cheerio!
  4. I had a dream that Beerbawl got sick and was in the hospital and as such, an out-pouring of well-wishes, and heart-felt messages were sent his way through Al Gore's In-her-net and the mail. As it turned out, ol' Beery, was just playin 'possum and was in Cancun for week. When he returned everyone was really swell to him for like 7 to 10 days. Then I woke up and he was still the same jerkwad he always was.
  5. Sheesh... misplaced anger issues? Simmer down now, simmer down. So does this: I'm really beginning to wish none of it never even happend! mean you're glad it did happen?
  6. Dude, that ALWAYS works! Remember all the times some wise-ass kid would start a petition to close school early because of snow flurries? I don't know why you say that with sarcasm...
  7. Dude, we have a 16 year old son, if I don't strategically "hide" some food, Mrs Bullpen and I don't get to eat. Back to the topic... long about 11 pm at The Cherry Lounge, she starts looking pretty good. She should have some glamor shots done with the had tucked on the collar and the brim of the velvet cowboy hat!
  8. Well sure I would! I'd make her leave the smuggled hams and roasts after we were done though.
  9. That's a morning staple of mine when I'm playing hookey home sick from work. Hilarious show indeed. Once you're done milking as much time off as you can you're cleared to return, you can listen to his podcast from work. His "danettes" are pretty friggin funny as well.
  10. See that's what my dad didn't take into consideration, when he put his snowmobile on Craigslist. He should have put an elliptical or treadmill or something. Not a lot of women are going to be checking out a Polaris 800, even in Jimmytown, NY.
  11. I bet at Easter time, he's the guy who actually LIKES the inside of those Cadbury Cream Eggs.
  12. Stinkin liar, you wanted to scope out the other wimmins that wanted to see the place din't cha?
  13. I'm sure the male student population of Cortland State would agree. They probably get tired of the Jets players throwin it at their girlfriends during the training camp season. I know that was the case with some of my friends who went to Fredonia back in the day when the Bills trained there. Not naming any names.... *Cough* Friggin DeAundre Sneed *Cough*
  14. Well Beerbawl will be happy, he never liked D. Fine, or his choice in confectionaries anyway.
  15. Wait a minute Mike, you mean people actually disrespect Buffalo? In public?!?!?! Tell me it's not about the weather perception, the abysmal Bills or a struggling economy! As keep of the Official TBD Media Barometer, I insist I'm kept in the loop on who we approve and don't approve of from week to week. Last I heard, we were adding Chuckie Barkley to the list of "unapproved."
  16. Oh so now that you've had a spiritual awaking, you've decided to rise above the fray now?
  17. I see the bars opened early today huh? What, no beerbawl around, so you to rump-rangers decided to aim your caustic wit in my direction? Why don't you guys go back to your bag balm party.
  18. Tanith Belbin... I heart her big time! The only reason I'll watch any ice-dancing or skating competitions at all during the next to weeks. I approve of her and she would definitely get "the treatment" if I was given the chance.
  19. According to what Peter King had to say in MMQB, Jeff Legwold did a lot of campaigning on Little's behalf this year and may have been the reason he got in. Upon seeing it first hand for the last 15 years, Denver fans and media have a HUGE "hall of fame chip" on their shoulders (dare I say even bigger than Buffalo fans do), and every year they find someone to hold up as the patron saint of HOF screwjobs. This year it's Sharpe (IMO deserving of being in), it used to be Little and Randy Grandishar, in coming years it will be Terrell Davis (if he gets in, the whole HOF process is a sham). The criteria out here seems to be if he makes the Ring of Fame at Invesco, there's no reason he shouldn't be in Canton.
  20. Well you really are back to mid-season form aren't you?!?!?
  21. So you're back huh? Does that mean we can get back to treating you like we always did? My compassion only runs so deep for Silver Creekers you know... Glad you're back John.
  22. It's quite an initial investment if you get the egg (various sizes available), the tables if you want a work station, etc... but from the reviews I've read it's quite worth it. The only thing I question is the durablitiy because it is ceramic. I'm sure professionals travel with them all the time, but the ham and eggers (no pun intended) like us, I would be afraid of cracking it or something. To me the weber is the original and it's what I grew up learning on, so I'm pretty happy with it... along with the other three smokers/grills I own. (My wife said "really? You need FOUR grills?") She doesn't know the difference between a grill and smoker, so I let it slide.
  23. I have one of those myself, as well as a cast iron "barrel type" offset smoker, electric grill and a regular gasser, you won't be disappointed with the Weber at all dib! Here's a good site for all kinds of bbq recipes. http://www.thesmokering.com/default.jsp The forums section has a ton of tips and recipes as well! Good luck!
  24. Looks like she's wearing a Longhorns hat in the last photo at least!
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