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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. I think BOTH Vonn and Mancuso are divas to be fair. The whole contrived press conference to announce that she may not be able to even ski and then takes gold in her first event... Mancuso carping to SI about struggling for attention. Now we have the Canadian women *mock shock and disgust* celebrating on the ice after the arena is empty! Just shut women's sports down at the Olympics, it's obvious they don't know how to handle competition gracefully.
  2. Wait 'til Crayonz sees this topic!
  3. Ya think that's bad, wait til you read the one I posted in the "whale" topic.
  4. This is a very somber orcassion....
  5. Okay I'll try this again in the correct thread although at this point judging from Chef's post it's too late: Maybe he's just tucked away somewhere. Maybe he's been working too hard and just needs a rest. He took a cold shower, and faded away. They need to let people know that if he shows up and sticks around for more than 4 hours, they should call a doctor. I'll bet he's just pitched a tent somewhere. Probably someplace woody. If history is my guide, Boner will pop up at the most inopportune time.
  6. That occupational aptitude test we all took in middle school indicated I should go into forestry service, to date, I think I'm the only one who ever agreed with the results they got. One of my friends was supposed to go into child care and development, he's a Lt. Col. in the Air Force now supervising a mission support squadron, so maybe the test WAS right for him as well. ZING!!! Tom, you have to admit that was waaaaaay too easy!
  7. I would have gotten my degree and gotten a job working for the conservation department or US forest service.
  8. On this one, I think I'm going to say, "no thanks, I'll pass."
  9. He's a slippery character that's for sure.
  10. I heard that Mike Seaver's buddy Boner is missing. Maybe he's tucked away and no one can see him. Maybe he pitched a tent somewhere. Did it occur to anyone maybe he took a swim in the real cold Vancouver water and is shrinking from his responsibilities. Perhaps he's been working to hard and needs a nap. The possibilities are endless!
  11. Yep, that's my home of record now. Colorado Springs, Evangelical, knee-jerk, ultra-conservative capital of the world.
  12. I really enjoyed this series. One of the few shows I made sure to watch every week. I see Terry working at the dealership and potential disaster next season.
  13. Oh PTR, if you had only cleared this post through me before you let become "a matter of record." I've made the same statement in the past and have incurred the wrath of Ice Cold Brushchi and Mr. WEO... I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help you at this point. Good luck my friend.
  14. HBD ACor, get in 18 holes in honor of your day... or at least get to the 19th!
  15. What is this you speak of? The Gnomes of Zurich (and MLB hall of famer Steve Carlton) prohibit me from speaking of any off-hours activities, meetings or organized gatherings.
  16. A Happ-diddily birthday to you honey!
  17. rafts, dingys, barges.
  18. Fab 5 Freddy! I remember those sunglasses he wore in that video were some sort of novelty toy marketed to kids in the late 70s I think. Responsible for 1000s of cases of chronic migraine headaches in the 21st Century.
  19. Heeeeeey, wait a damn minute here! I've been calling that gold-bricking bastage Beerbawl since last year! * wow, "gold-bricking" I think the last time that phrase was uttered, was the by world-renowned star of stage and screen Vic Tayback portraying the cranky diner owner Mel Sharpels.
  20. The thing that struck me about his "double mctwist with no nuts on the sundae" move was... There was so much going on, I couldn't honestly comprehend all that was going on!!! That friggin little stoner is unreal on the half pipe! The women's competition turned into a friggin yard sale! Skis on the left side, goggles and gloves on the right, bibs and poles down the center, I couldn't believe the violent wrecks they had. Hell even John Force cringed watching some of these ladies wreck! Justn, when you say she's so far ahead, do you mean looks of skiing talent? When she went over and started hugging and kissing her husband, my 16 year old got up and said, "Millions of men just turned the channel to ESPN."
  21. You sell yours and I'll sell mine!
  22. Look, we all knew it would have to end sooner or later. All the great scandals do. Together we have to accept Tiger’s decision to put this part of his career behind him. You can’t live your whole life on just one huge, mind blowing sex scandal. I’m sure when the time is right, he will bestow upon a grateful nation another great source of water cooler small talk, crass comments from drunk relatives during the holidays, hilarious email forwards, and weeks upon weeks of tabloid covers. Until then, we have just a couple more days to get it out of our collective systems. One other thing, Augusta is pretty stringent about the "sanctity" of Augusta (IE: Patrons instead of spectators, bunkers instead of sand traps, white overalls on caddies, concessions prices aren't gouged to ridiculous levels, etc...). I'll be willing to bet security will be triple or quadruple it's normal numbers if he decides to play this year. Those passes are highly coveted and if "patrons" start acting the fool, or paparazzi attempt to crash the grounds, they'll be "escorted" off the premises post haste. Augusta doesn't suffer fools the likes of Entertainment Weekly, Hollywood Insider or TMZ. Just my opinion I could be wrong.
  23. We wuz close with Jack Kemp... Dammit rehashing the past again! As for the gift certificate, I'll only spend it on a FUTURE Bills draft pick jersey! Speaking of, who does everyone think we'll draft anyway? I haven't seen this discussed around here yet.
  24. I gotta admit, she's pretty media-savvy.
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