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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Eff yourself, you should.
  2. Going on in dis here thread, what is?
  3. Someplace that doesn't have snakes. I hate snakes! Having said that, probably Syracuse or Antarctica.
  4. I saw one in Denver last summer: "Gimme a dollar and I'll stop staring at you and making you feel uncomfortable." I threw him a buck.
  5. Brian, I'm deeply sorry for your loss buddy. I'll be thinking of you this week and will hoist a beverage in honor of your father and his service to our country. Peace my friend.
  6. Anyone with a "high motor."
  7. Thank you NG, thank you! I will now keep that sig line for another month! Suck it beerbawl!! It stays for another 30 days!
  8. Crayonz threads > Beerbawl's posts!
  9. I didn't know "GBID" was actually Irv Weinstein!
  10. It doesn't always have to be gym teacher Bill. Guidance counselors like to get down with it too! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5053101612.html
  11. Michelob Ultra has a Cinco De Mayo advertising campaign? Weird. I think they celebrate all the same holidays as us, except the Jewish holidays. I don't think there are any Jewish-Mexicans.
  12. True I forgot the white high motor axiom. Russell Exleben, now there was a Longhorn with a motor that just wouldn't quit!
  13. Time to queue up the "He's from Texas, he's going to be a bust" rants...
  14. As I read somewhere else today, he looks like Tim's son Brad from Home Improvement
  15. Man I forgot all about moles! Our yard used to have mole mounds all over the place when I was a kid. I didn't mind 'em at the time because they made perfect kicking tees for the pickup football games! Yeah as an adult I can understand your frustration though! My dad used the TOMCAT stuff a couple years ago and seemed to be pleased with the results.
  16. Thanks May Day... WOW! It sure is dusty in the office today. I'm going to have to get after that crew that cleans our offices. Thanks again.
  17. Sage, I feel for your loss. We had to put Thurman down in February (see avatar) and now two months later, I still encounter every-day things which remind me of him and bring tears to my eyes. You'll probably find over the coming weeks and months the same thing happens to you... and it's okay for that to happen. I've been conditioned over the years not to walk on certain spots on the carpet because that's where Thurman's bed is/was (someone once said the dog trains the human) and even now I still walk around those spots out of habit. Like Darin said, when a door closes, another opens. I'm sorry for your loss, try to remember the wonderful life you gave him while he was alive. Those memories will help you when those lonely feelings creep in.
  18. Happy b-day cheffy! Try not to piss anyone off today! Have a great day buddy!
  19. Would you describe it as "Quickly. Huge."
  20. When Rickey Henderson broke Lou Brock's stolen base record, he made a mistake in his speech, he meant to say "Today Tim Tebow is the greatest of all time!"
  21. One would normally have to go to county fair or a rural bowling alley to find a woman of her caliber! Tis true, I see a bright future for her at Supercuts or hawking beer at Stateline Speedway!
  22. Tebow invented Sabermetrics!
  23. Heck ya I would. That is a high-class broad right there, drinkin ye olde Steele Reserve! It's not the normal mainstream steel... no sirree, this is "the reserve" edition!
  24. Saw it last night on the Golf Channel. I couldn't handle Earl's over-the-top waxing of Tiger when he was alive, but now we have to hear it from the grave? Personally I didn't like the ad... something about it (besides Earl) just bugged me. Seemed too soon to be hawking his remorse (albeit through his father's voice) for Nike.
  25. Is this the Tim Tebow thread?
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