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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. American Pickers isn't much better. Runnin around the country rippin off old people. Just Jack FTW!!!
  2. Can't wait to see the video! The afterburn tonight, might provide some "discomfort." Good job though, you ate more than I would.
  3. Well StLou?!?! How was it? If you died, perhaps you could post a message from beyond or something. We ain't gonna have to go to Lily Dale and have a seance to reach you are we?
  4. Hell, when you went to Silver Creek, Native Americans were playing lacrosse as a way to settle tribal difference still. ... and it wasn't different. My bat DIDN'T have a bracelet and the pole vaulter DID.
  5. I was just thinking of heading down to Lackland AFB to borrow the one they have on their parade grounds. SWEET BETTY!!!!
  6. D-bag. His quote is "You've got to teach her that rules are rules." LAMP time: In high school, we were playing Silver Creek HS (Beerbawl's Alma Mater go figure) . There was a little known rule back in the 80's that all bats had to have a ring of tape 18 inches up the handle of the bat (to ensure pine tar isn't over used... thanks George Brett). I come to the plate and hit a double to drive in two runs to take the lead. Silver Creek's coach comes the plate, shows the umpire that the bat I used didn't have the ring of tape and the umpire had to rule the hit (and runs) didn't count and I was out. Eff you Coach Janisch!
  7. This thread = another reason I find YOU to be silly!
  8. The Thor hammer after the credits and Capt America Sheild (shown as Tony Stark was rebuilding his lab) were two interesting teasers for the Avengers I thought.
  9. Happy Birthday Fez! Nice of beerbawl to share the cat scan photos of his brain with us no?
  10. Good God, does it ever stop with you? Tell Roberta to up your medication!
  11. Don't encourage him Steely... I've told him repeatedly that no one really likes him and all those sympathy cards and posts were bribe jobs promoted by me. Nah, it that we're true you would probably be over on the "Thanks Leonidas" thread bashing John Warrow or other posters who defended Tim Graham. That thread is one of the biggest pissing contests I've seen on here in months the last 72 hours!
  12. Sliding gloves! He's really not fast enough to slide anyway, he kind of just falls when he tries to slide, he doesn't have a lot of momentum. Everyone knows the limp-a-thon is every OTHER year and last year I was DQ-ed because I got a case of gout in my "good foot" thereby eliminating my limp completely. For once in my life I walked completely normal. BTW, I considered transferring to Silver Creek, but even with my limp, I was too athletically gifted for that school. Yeah and Costner's "on again-off again" English accent didn't help it any either.
  13. I wonder who the 2020's hosts of that show will be along with Mr. Beiber. Guilty as charged then. (BTW, he's 16 and I rip on him no more or no less than I do my own son when he does something dumb like lock his keys in the car, loses his FIFTH baseball glove or wears his batting gloves while on base.)
  14. That ticking sound you hear is the fifteen minute timer. 14:36, 14:37.... Hey Lil Justin for a little reference, look up Leif Garrett, your future awaits you.
  15. Great man, very humble, got the shaft from Bo Shembechler... luckily Detroit fans made enough noise to get him rehired, class act and great voice of baseball. He will be missed.
  16. Awww, come on, it's so simple. Maybe you need a refresher course. It's all ball bearings nowadays. Now you prepare that Fetzer valve with some 3-in-1 oil and some gauze pads. And I'm gonna need 'bout ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone. No, no make that Quaker State.
  17. What were you doing in Jamestown, NY? By the way the following situation happened to a friend of mine when we went out to get beer and wings during the NCAA championship last month. A buddy of mine orders 12 cajun hot chicken wings with ranch (he's from Wisconsin, he has no taste). The place wasn't OVERLY busy, but it was steady business. The wings took 45 minutes or so to reach our table. My friend recieves 10 regular hot wings w/o cajun seasoning (it was 25 cent wing night so you could vary your order amount). He informs the waitress that he ordered 12 cajun wings NOT, 10 hot wings. She says (and I quote) "No you didn't, you ordered regular hot" and walked away. We all sat for a minute actually stunned that someone would say that. About two minutes later she returned, my friend hadn't touched the wings yet, and she said "this is someone else's order, I'll get yours out as soon as I can" AND TOOK THE WINGS OUT FROM IN FRONT OF HIM AND DELIVERED THEM TO ANOTHER CUSTOMER! My friend simply cancelled his order and we left at halftime. This wasn't a high school kid either, she was at least in the mid 40s, so you would think by that age she would have some idea of how a customer is supposed to be treated.
  18. Thanks! I got some helpful information from Beerbawl. Evidently, when you are are in Silver Creek, you are supposed to flunk out of school, forge some documents, move to Dallas and marry waaaaaay over your head, but I'm still not sure about Utica.
  19. I have a packet of instant water at home. What do I add to it to get thirst-quenching refreshment?
  20. So the saying goes, "when in Rome do as the Romans do" so what if I'm up the road in Utica? Do I join the Utica Club or what?
  21. Hedge funds or Ponzi Scheme? Where should I invest my money?
  22. Damn I forgot about Sunny's. Haven't been there since 92.
  23. Go to Rocco's and P-Dubs while you're there! Pick me up a sub from P-Dubs and send it out to me!
  24. Wondering what is going on in my office, my boss is. El-oh-elling, I am.
  25. Correct, you are. Unaware of better fish in the sea, Roberta is.
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