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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Where do you fall on "cold potatoes" as you might find in German Potato Salad or Uhmerican Potato Salad?
  2. Aaaand we have a winner!
  3. Well sure I would.
  4. Just get the man nice soft foods like Gummy Bears, Candy Corns (with the "sharp" points shaved off) and scallopped potatoes.
  5. Oh fer cryin out loud Nancy! Just stick to scalloped potatoes then! I like Hartley's Chips (I think they're made in northern PA.) Whenever I come home, my dad is always stocked up on the Hartley's and Bison chip dip. Troyer Farms are good too, the salt and vinegar ones are great!
  6. Thanks guys. I guess I'm about to start the "back nine" of my life. I think I'll stop and have a few sips at the club house though before starting the second nine. Thanks again guys. BTW, Chef Jim's sig line makes more and more sense to me each passing day.
  7. Cosmo Kramer orders his chinese with extra MSG.
  8. "Namath's Nectar" or "Mysteriously Alluring"
  9. http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_17188410 (as I said in the last HFT post, I'm staring 40 dead in the eye next week, of course I would!!)
  10. Hell, I'm staring 40 dead in the eye in ten days... of course I would.
  11. I returned to the boards to THIS?!?! Beerbawl is a mod? Time to go back into self-imposed exile I guess.
  12. I saw the subject line and thought the exact same thing. I miss that thread. Was that the same guy that would talk about going out to the bars and all the women he would supposedly pick up? I'm thinking it was BuffaloBilldo or something?
  13. Did you get all the advice that you didn't need?
  14. Nonsense! I'm sure Salamingia has both an Arbys AND a KFC. I must insist that you check into that. And if you go through Randolph, stop by a store called the Pickle Barrel... my dad and step mom own that store. Mich Ultra eh? You certainly are high-brow aren't you? Bet you use olive oil and sea salt when you make popcorn too?
  15. Order wings from KFC, best wings in WNY. Get roast beef sandwiches at Arby's, far and away better than beef on weck. Drink Bud and Coors Light exclusively.
  16. Happy Belated birthday ya schmuck!
  17. I've skated through many a Friday at work with the assistance of this place. I haven't been as active in the last 6 to 8 months. You're right, I've had many more el-oh-el moments on TBD than any email I've ever received.
  18. Well of course I would... don't be ridiculous!
  19. Agreed. SNL needs more Vanessa, less Wiig.
  20. I can't remember the source, but earlier this week, I heard that the field had a different configuration when the Bears used Wrigley. I'm sure the fans in the east endzone are going to be very understanding about this last minute change.
  21. Whenever I eat at a restaurant I always ask for extra Xanthum Gum on the side!
  22. Weather was perfect here yesterday, so I played what will be one of the last rounds I get in this season. I played 24 rounds including yesterday. About average for me.
  23. I'm surprised no mention of Piels yet. Tried to get through a sixer of that one time during college... couldn't do it. Out of the 50 on that list, I'm batting just over .500. Too many years spent drinking the cheap stuff in college and as a junior enlisted guy in the AF.
  24. Had all but one with 3:00 left. Sat there drawing a blank on the Ravens. For cryin out loud the Bills play them this week! Tells you how in tune with the season I am so far.
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