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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Yep, just like I told Beerbawl this morning. "You can tell the Bills are on the slide because "poster-on-poster crime" is on the rise!" As unofficial keeper of the TBD media barometer list, it might be time for me to post that again, so we can update, who we like and who we dislike.
  2. Yep... without a doubt.
  3. Nice to see you too Scrote!!! Busy summer man... graduations, family in town, in-laws 50th anniversary party, more family in town.
  4. Will he never learn?
  5. Let me preface this by saying, I really like Jimmy Buffett. Everytime I hear a station playing Margaritaville, I switch it. He has so many songs that are so much better imo. Others: Anything by Heart We Built This City (on Rock and Roll) Most songs by Cage the Elephant Bohemian Rhapsody
  6. After watching the trailer, the first thing that came to mind was "Goonies" meets "Cloverfield."
  7. He claims, a few days after winning the 1981 Holiday Bowl, he was "asked" to leave BYU because of his proclivities. Classic case of both parties using eachother. He used BYU to showcase his talents and get into the NFL, and BYU looked the other way concerning his off-field activities as long he continued to win.
  8. I believe Bill O'Reilly got his start on Inside Edition, he's a fantastic journalist. That is all.
  9. Dammit Chef, you beat me to it: DAS RAYCESS!!!!
  10. Turn the ship around...
  11. Do I have to? KD we just did this like 10 months ago? "It's a space station."
  12. Hmm that's strange, where I went to school I’m pretty sure the basketball players were required to have sex. With everyone. And everything. That moved. It seems like he acknowledged the "misdeed" and for that he should earn some leniency. Now did he go forward and self-report the issue or did a third-party rat him out? If he was ratted out, then the rat is not going to lead a very comfortable life at ol' Bring'em Young for the rest of the year. If the player came forward and admitted it of his own free will, then sit him through the MWC tournament and let him play in the NCAAs. Schools like BYU and military academies treat their honor codes pretty damn seriously, so dipping a toe into that water can have dangerous side-effects.
  13. As I say once every five months or so: "What's goin on in dis here thread?"
  14. The MA-Sheen has already mastered this. How you ask? "Winning." * yes, I plan on beating this horse until it's puppy chow.
  15. When will Viag... I mean Proventil be on that list? (You know because of my asthma and all)
  16. Well as long as it's done tastefully. Sheesh... speakin of roid rage! Mr. Bawl's gettin his feelers hurt.
  17. Now Doc, I must take exception to that statement. He couldn't have said that, I received a harsh tongue scolding for mentioning Mr. Bruschi's name and steriod in the same sentence. "I'm just sayin, it is what it is." TWO lame mean-nothin catchphrases in one sentence!!!
  18. Now that's not true. You told me you were voted by SCHS Class of 79 "Most likely to be promoted past your level of competance" and I'm pretty sure you did that after you stopped bussin' tables at the Colony Restaurant.
  19. I love how he railed on Thomas Jefferson of all people... calling him a p***y! Charles, what's your opinion of Martin Van Buren? What do you think of Taft's policies? Do you have any thoughts about Calvin Coolidge's farm subsidies?
  20. As much as this pains me to say: "What Beerbawl said."
  21. Five-foot-freaking-eleven?!?! Papa like! Papa like!!! "Lovely beast like that running around, could put steam in a man's strides."
  22. I live down the road from you Metz and I couldn't agree with you more! I can't stand the front-running, the fairwether, their Hall of Fame inferiority complex, the stupid incomplete chant, their myopic view of things... all of it. I honestly don't know who's run more QBs out of their respective towns Bills fans or Broncos fans. If the QB ain't #7, he ain't shat. I make the joke (I'm half serious) when Elway dies, they'll exhume his body on Sundays so they can prop it up on the horse and trot it out on the field. They just won't let it go. Having said all that, I guess I would follow a team with a blue-collar fanbase like Cleve, Detroit or Chicago. Guess I'm a rust-belter through and through.
  23. I think I have a new item for my sig line... I don't abide Mike and Mike, worthless louts.
  24. Happy Birthday Exiled. Keep that water flowin up hill!
  25. I'm glad I haven't spent a lot of money on jersey's...the current jersey clashes with the paperbag I usually wear.
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