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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Nope! Not a chance. Looks like a young Melanie Hutsell from Saturday Night Live.
  2. Wow, I haven't thought of Rocketship 7 in years! I remember during one of the closings of the show, the Promo costume toppled (sans the guy inside) over as the stage lights went dim and I thought Promo was a goner. Commander Tom was great too! Pretty sure I watched that into the early 80s and he always had those "words to live by" promos going into commercials. "Commander Tom says, the Three Stooges are fun to watch, but don't act like them." Buffalo had no shortage of locally produced bowling shows: Beat the Champ, Bowling for Dollars and Strikes Spares and Misses. No wonder so many PBA bowlers are from the southtowns!
  3. This could blasphemy is some people's view, but Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
  4. Wow Twin Fair!!! I haven't thought of that store in at least 30 years! That's what I love about this board, the fans are such a regional group that a lot of us "get" the references to obscure things like Twin Fair, Ted's, Clip Smith, Anchor Bar vs. Duffs and all the different towns and neighborhoods.
  5. And every last one of 'em has an incredible inferiority complex as well. In their minds they are the most unjustly treated teams in the NFL based on coverage, respect, number of hall of famers, etc... completely insufferable, which made their latest choke job even sweeter.
  6. I'm sure you cheated too. Man Pete, if that happened today (tossing the kids in a stranger's vehicle and then dumping 'em off at night at the end of the street) there would be a public outcry to pounds of flesh! Down in our neck of the woods, we didn't get nearly the snow you all got. In fact, I don't remember if we missed any school or not. I do remember Channel 7 did a report on how families were coping with all the snow and they featured my aunt, uncle and cousins. That was pretty cool.
  7. Notice the grid at the bottom of the link that shows fans and the most common fan friends? Apparently nobody likes us!
  8. Yep. Young Ms. Osmond got me through some some maturing times when I was young, she can help do the same now that I'm old.
  9. If this was your only impression of Mr. Woods, you might think he has a personality and everything!
  10. This at one time was a thread killer, so I'll go with phonetics: En Ay Em Be El Ay.
  11. Happy birthday to each of you.
  12. Oh yeah, I forgot about that thread! That was hilarious.
  13. Paul Pozluszny was seen smoking outside a bar in Buffalo.
  14. Hey, look at that, you finally posted something useful! Only took you 27,000 posts!!!!
  15. "(insert player name here) is good, we need him to play good to win today." -LSI Shiv the mofo Chef Jim asking for advice
  16. Considering she was teaching in Calhan and assuming she has all her teeth, it doesn't surprise me that she was considered a fine catch out there.
  17. Okay let's see here from left to right and front to back: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes, Yes and Sure why not. I guess so, Yes, Yes, can't tell has her head turned, yes, meh, yes and yes. Yes, Yes, Yes, No doubt, Twice at least, another can't tell face is obscured but I'll assume yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Sorry now what was the topic here?
  18. I guess you won't be asking for advice regarding this surplus of televisions?
  19. I liked her when she was Jack's wife in the Jack in the Box Commercials as well! Good suggestion Dev, there's something about her that I've always found "Milfy-hot!" And after seeing subsequent of these commercials, my wife and I both agree that husband might be the douchiest portrayl of a husband on TV ever.
  20. This woman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw0cvCHXtWU Here's your one-stop shopping for hot wimmins in commercials. http://whoisthathotadgirl.tumblr.com/
  21. A day early, I know, but Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I'll just leave this here:
  22. They need to decide the direction Merle is going to go I think. Is he a maniacal psychopath, a dutiful foot-soldier for the Gubna, a concerned older brother or something else all together? Andrea continues to lead the league is piss-poor decisions and I cringe everytime she's on camera. Maybe Rick has exorcised his crazy for the time being, although I doubt it... Coooorl one upping Daryl in the "mom-story" department was pretty classic IMO.
  23. Oh key-riste, look who's back....
  24. Excellent post Darin. Very nice way to honor a "family member" of the four-legged variety BW, so sorry for your loss and having to make that tough decision.
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