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49er Fan

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Everything posted by 49er Fan

  1. Wow. That all sounds really bad. But, it’s mostly false and meaningless. You must really hate Mike Pence 😂
  2. Right, no examples, no court filings, nothing but conjecture. But hey, you do you and keep believing My Pillow Guy.
  3. Evidence? What evidence? Where is it? Ask Rudy Giuliani about his “evidence.” A judge just ordered him to give up his Manhattan apartment today for defaming election workers in Georgia. Why didn’t Bill Barr have any “evidence” to prosecute these cases? Was he secretly trying to torpedo Trump’s chances at overturning the election? 😂 You people are beyond f—ing stupid.
  4. Why did Trump’s own people (Barr, Krebs, et.al.) not find any voter “fraud?” Because there wasn’t any. Just because Trump, Kari Lake, My Pillow Guy and Giuliani say there was doesn’t make it true. You are a gullible idiot of the highest caliber - congrats.
  5. Why are you omitting turnout numbers? 2016 was a year in which two major things influenced the outcome - systemic disinformation about Clinton targeted in blue cities, and overwhelming overconfidence that Clinton would win because of the polls. In 2020 turnout spiked quite simply because of the “fool me twice, shame on me” edict. 2024 will be no different - the “Trump effect” has people coming out voting in droves - both for and against him.
  6. Serious question- who is the most prominent former Federal government official to have endorsed Trump in this election, who wasn’t an appointed sycophant in his administration? And not governors like Desantis or senators like Lindsey Graham - I mean ex-presidents, generals, admirals, etc. I can’t think of anyone.
  7. “…people in counties that voted strongly for Trump in the 2020 presidential election were "nearly three times as likely to die from COVID-19" as people in pro-Biden counties.” What can you do, the determination of the anti-vax crowd is strong.
  8. Now I’m hearing she didn’t even work at McDonald’s!
  9. Why does Mississippi allow abortions in cases of rape but not in-cest 😂
  10. The Nazi garbage wasn’t enough to sour Republicans on him. The hypocrisy wasn’t either, that’s a GOP requirement. But admitting you find trans people in porn a turn-on was simply too much. You are supposed to accuse them of spying on people in bathrooms or trying to gain an unfair advantage in sports. Robinson lost the message.
  11. Trunp can and has done a lot worse in debates. And I doubt Harris would give herself “100” for her performance Tuesday. That was not her ceiling.
  12. You’re a big Paul Manafort fan, aren’t you 😂 https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/08/04/ukraine-maidan-revolution-russia-coup-myth-yanukovych/
  13. Right, because questions about immigration, taxes and the economy, abortion, the environment and foreign policy were so out-of-bounds there’s no way she could’ve prepared for them. You’re a f—king clown.
  14. No, we’re just laughing. “X” is valued at $12.5B (over 70% loss in market cap) and now has the highest ratio of disinformation posts of all large social media platforms. Good job, Elon.
  15. C’mon, what about Jon Voight!
  16. Because no amount of pathetic whining about Harris giving interviews or bashing Tim Walz matters anymore - because of Trump. He has succeeded in doing something no one would have thought imaginable a mere decade ago - he’s made personal character and legal issues politically irrelevant.
  17. That’s what the $500+ million in donations is for 😎
  18. It’s a strategy and it’s working. No need to counter Trump in the media when he is so pathetic - his mouth and tweets are doing the work for her campaign every single day.
  19. Looks like you missed just about everything about his campaign - that he originally ran as a Democrat, that Trump bashed him as a "Democrat plant" and "radical left liberal,” insulted his family as a "bunch of lunatics,” and warned that a vote for Kennedy was a "wasted protest vote." “Donald Trump isn’t earning an endorsement that’s going to help build support, he’s inheriting the baggage of a failed fringe candidate. Good riddance.” -DNC senior advisor Mary Beth Cahill
  20. Maybe they were being diplomatic and not wanting to explicitly trash him publicly. Also - what “freedoms” are you worried about?
  21. Who killed JFK other than Oswald? Are you talking about Ted Cruz’ father? 😂😂😂
  22. Soooo….how many others from the Kennedy family are endorsing Trump? Zero?
  23. HAHAHA. Trunp isn’t winning *****. I would gladly bet you on the election *too,* if I had any faith in your inclination or ability to pay up 😂😂😂
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