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Everything posted by jjmac

  1. That's not what I'm trying to say. I'm trying to say that as long as the Rooney Rule is followed, dont complain when a white guy is hired.
  2. And to think it took only 20 college games to prepare him to be the second coming.
  3. Good points, but doesn't "Oakland Raiders" sound a little more natural than "Los Angeles Raiders?"
  4. Yeah, everything is about race. How about the guys shelled out the big $$$ to buy the franchises hiring who they want to hire?
  5. Perhaps refined was a poor word choice. I think I should have said, "civil."
  6. I have a childhood friend that works communications at Penn State. He told me there are already grumblings about O'Brien because he is not as refined as Joe Paterno.
  7. I could live with that top 3, but I think that Buddy will target a stud WR if we don't get one in FA.
  8. Nice draft. I'd like to see us take a depth 4-3 OLB as well.
  9. How many times have we heard Chan take the blame for not having the team ready?
  10. Good. Let's bring in guys experienced in the 4-3 and settle on one system once and for all.
  11. I believe they want to resign him, but I am not holding my breath.
  12. My guess is that he is gone before the #10 pick. That doesn't mean they won't go for more than one, either. I would, too.
  13. Our 3-4 defense played better? They gave up 49 unanswered points in that last game.
  14. If he is so good, why is Buddy talking about getting WRs? I see Nelson returning, a FA signee, Nelson, Easley, and a draft pick as our top 5.
  15. But Jeffrey is not as fast as Johnson, and Johnson's speed/size combo is a huge part of his game.
  16. Dave Wannestadt? 3-4? Can't see that happening.
  17. How much pass rush are you counting on from the LBs? Will Houston let Williams walk? And what about his injury?
  18. Do we really need Donald Jones on our roster?
  19. And that is a good thing. Hasn't he had some injury issues, too?
  20. It sounds like you are dead set against Stevie returning.
  21. Three more Twitter updates: Nix says team is not limited to spending on players. Says he wants to win & that's what he came here to do. 2 minutes ago Nix says Chan Gailey has done an excellent job especially based on improvement offensively - based on where we were & who he did it with. 10 minutes ago Nix expects to take a big step next year - if injured guys back healthy, sign our own guys back & add a couple of key pieces. 15 minutes ago
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