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Everything posted by jjmac

  1. The expectations for McNabb and the Eagles were always much higher than that.
  2. No arguments with that, but he'll have a complete offseason to digest the new defense, one closer to the scheme he played at LSU. Is he a franchise QB?
  3. I'm note sure we need a TE that early, but since we already have our 2nd Pete Metzlaars in Chandler, why not get our 2nd Keith McHeller (if he exists) on Day 3?
  4. That was my thought as well. Who would have to be off the board for Tannehill to be the BPA at #10, in your opinion?
  5. Not a Hall of Famer. I don't think Philly enjoyed enough postseason success to warrant that selection.
  6. Whatever we do at #10, there will be many who say we reached, and insrtead we should have drafted ________________(fill in the blank). I like the idea of BPA in the first round, and needs after that. I know the record doesn't show it right now, but we are becoming a better team.
  7. Sounds reasonable, but what of Sheppard?
  8. Top 6, gone before our pick: Luck, Griffin, Kalil, Richardson, Claiborne, Blackmon Next 4: Reiff, DeCastro, Kuechly, Floyd,
  9. Are there any Keith McKeller types in the draft this year?
  10. Buddy's comments on how deep this year's draft class is at WR makes me believe that while Floyd is on the radar, he won't be our pick.
  11. For the sake of argument, let's say we draft Kuechly. Which LB position would you target for him?
  12. I'm not saying it's a 1st-, or even a second-day priority, but I'm not really thrilled about the depth we have at TE. Thoughts?
  13. Who drafted Boller-Billick or Ozzie Newsome?
  14. Depending, of course, on sound his shoulder is.
  15. And if I was, so what? It was provided to me, and I consider myself a little more educated about Calvin Johnson. And too lazy? Well, OK, I'll buy off on that, but I thought that was why we can ask questions here in America. How conduct myself is completely up to me, as long as I do not violate the TOS. If you have a problem with that, you are SOL.
  16. I asked because I did not know of his stats. Also, I will not question the fact that he won the award, but I do question whether or not it s an indicator of potential success in the NFL, or a merely a memorial to a great college career.
  17. Yes, KOK provided it....but I would like to know what my theory was. All I did was ask a question. I also pointed out that Josh Reed won it. Should I list other winners with stellar NFL careers, such as Bobby Engram (1994), Marcus Harris (1996), Troy Walters (1999), Antonio Bryant (2000), Charles Rogers (2002), Mike Hass (2005), and Golden Tate (2009)? My point that the Biletnikoff is dubious at best as an indicator of success at the NFL level.
  18. OK. First, I don't put much stock in the Biletnikoff award. Josh Reed won it, too, in 2001. Second, hot prospects often flame out in the NFL.
  19. I would still have no problem with Decastro as the pick if they thought highly enough of him. I will never complain about an oline addition if said person is a staple for 10 plus years.... From a talent standpoint, I wouldn't complain too much, but I'd rather they take a position of need, if a decent fit is available.
  20. Two QBs in one draft, with all the other needs we have? Also, I thought we were targeting bigger CBs, so I wonder about Tandy. Good draft, though.
  21. We need depth,badly, as evidenced by our IR list last season. Giving away draft picks for one player would destroy any opportunity to do that.
  22. Reaching would be bad enough. Reaching for a position that is not a need would be worse.
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