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Everything posted by jjmac

  1. Hey, we moved up, too...in the draft order.
  2. I didn't say give it up...I said gave it away. We could have and should have won today, and moved one game closer to a playoff spot.
  3. I cannot fathom why he changed his mind. Maybe he resigns?
  4. If he could find a young up-and-comer not afraid of a challenge.
  5. Why do we try to run out the clock when the other team is down by only less than a touchdown?
  6. The only thing is can say without violating the TOS is...inexcusable.
  7. If we have to wait that long before we draft a franchise QB, fans should boycott our games in droves.
  8. A good coaching staff would not only know what to do, they wouldn't change their minds.
  9. Spiller got how many carries? I love Fred Jackson, but it's time for him to go so CJ can be THE man.
  10. I certainly hope Buddy Nix lives up to his promise of a franchise QB.
  11. Are we interested? http://sports.yahoo.com/news/seattle-waives-wide-receiver-braylon-234954615--nfl.html
  12. You do not need to draft early to get your franchise QB. Look at Kelly and Marino.
  13. Not true. First, I never said that a major reach is never necessary. I just don't think we need to make one this year.
  14. I know I will get lambasted for this, but I really don't see QB as a P1. Yes, we need to draft one, but we have enough needs to really make a major reach an unwise decision. I see it as a P2. Other than that, I agree with the board.
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