Long snapper is such a special art , and Dorenbos has the fastest delivery. I just don't see him being cut. After watching a blocked punt this week I think they will be equally as afraid of cutting him.
The bills cut koontz ( sp ? ) already and I would not be surprised to see him on the PS , also Peters. Cutting them now doesn't mean they won't be available for the PS. Sometimes it is a strategy move because teams are less likely to try and grab an early cut that the last minute ones. Not saying that is the case here just a possibility.
Burned his man deep and was wide open when TB underthrew him on the interception. Not sure why he wasn't used but when the bills had the ball with 1 min 36 seconds and most of the field to cover he wasn't on the field. Insted we juked and dinked our way to a field goal with 1 sec on the clock. Bledsoe would have at least reached him on that same pass , maybe missed but at least reached him.
I'm not rooting against the American Basketball team. I am just not rooting for them since they are bunch of me babies who can't figure out how to play as a team.
Bruce Smith was definitely a " Me player " but he still played as a part of a team. That is the difference. Bruce would have never hurt the team to make himself look good in my opinion. He was good at the fundamentals and got better each year.
He is great. I just don't want anybody talking about one of his clutch Kicking displays on 9/12. Hopefully our D-Fense never lets the jag's get close enough for him to even try a kick.
I think it just gives J. Smith a better chance to make it as the "ATHLETE " . I think he was drafted because he could do multiple things like QB, Reciever, Returns etc. Malrkeys Gadget guy . So I think he has just made the team.