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Art in PNS

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Everything posted by Art in PNS

  1. Nope. I have plenty of people waiting to use them. I have already bought them so they are a sunk cost. Sometimes I give them away, sometimes I sell them, most of the time I try and make it to the game.
  2. Mood swing of the game goes to the defense for off sides on a field goal try that gives the Pats a first down and ultimately 7 points. The crowd turned at that point and it just got uglier from there. It is a good thing the refs don't come out in the open because I think there would have been fans willing to go to jail to take a few swings at the Zebras( but we still screwed it up ourselves ). Talk shows were all Donohue needs to go, too many penalties at critical times, London Fletcher always has bone head penalties, Coy Wire needs to be benched, Bledsoe blows, etc etc. Almost as many fights in the parking lots as in the stadium today. Very Hostile.
  3. I'll be in section 116. Have 3 other tickets available if anyone is interested. PM me
  4. You want the new Buffalo Brothers on Capital BLVD. The local Bills club meets there and it will be packed with fans.
  5. Agree with Marv whole heartedly. In a boat it makes sense, keeps it from blowing away. Otherwise it is just plain stupid , and that sideways thing .. Please. My nephews and Nieces as well as my son know how much I detest it. Around birthdays and holidays they never wear their hats backwards.
  6. BS in Polymer Science from RIT in 1979, and have been working in the industry ever since. Though some times it is trying, wouldn't change my job unless I had to at this point.
  7. Drive back from Pensacola Fl,after spending most of the week here for Hurricane relief at our site.
  8. Like Fl and many others that they call right to work states.
  9. Parent teacher first , then based on your assessment of that discussion you either give it time or go directly to the principal. Good teachers at this age can captivate children, bad ones can have a detrimental affect for years .
  10. Wishing all the best and hope it turns out to be something easily corrected.
  11. Thanks again Hammer. Other than the nutcases in the back of the lot that were burning the rubber cone at the end of the day it was great. Those guys were seriously wacked.
  12. Didn't get back home from the game till Last night 11 pm ( Monday ) . Overall the team played beter than they did the last half of 2003 I think. We still should have won but there is always next week. Great to meet some of the other wallers that I have not met before. After the game went to Big tree again and met Mark Campbell, Alex Van Pelt was there. Then Trey Teague camein. JUst when we were leaving looked out the back window aand there was Andre Reed and the Biscuit Cornelius Bennett so Great ending to what should have been a stellar wekend.
  13. I am glad he is not happy being the backup actually. As long as he doesn't say I SHOULD BE the starter , or I won't play as the backup or some other horse crap. Right now it will keep both of them motivated and that is what we need.
  14. This is really good news . A little prelude to the opener, just keep ratcheting up the intensity until the Bills blow the Jags right out of Buffalo !!!!!!!!!!
  15. It is you that deserves the thanks and things seem to be cruising right along . Sunday afternoon will be the first big test. GO BILLS !!!!
  16. Couldn't care less. All I want is the team to hit the field and destroy the Jags, to completely dominate the game . Lacking that I will be ok with a squeaky win , but I'd really lile to see this team come together ready to take care of business one week at a time without all the crap talk.
  17. I'm with you 100 % . Indy should be motivated to make it happen after they were literally mauled out of the playoffs last year. Bills win Sunday and the Myjami Dolfelons loose to Tenessee and all will be right with the world on week one.
  18. Sorry didn't see this before. I am bringing a couple of items. One of them is a new gas Keg a Que to be raffled off.
  19. Hi Hammer I'll need 4 spots three for cars and one for a pop up awning. If I can get an outside spot ( next to the grass edge like last year then I can set up the awning there and only use 3 spots.
  20. All of the above less emphasis on QB except Shane Mathews.
  21. #3 Atlanta is a great Town as long as you don't have to drive. It is worth the extra time.
  22. I've seen the pirate at least 15 times over the years. One stretch in Raleigh when he was doing Friday, Sat and Sunday shows a group went all three days. Just alot of fun.
  23. From where ???? That will determine the fare difference. I'd go to Puerto Rico if possible I love that place. Of course I have not checked to see if the storm caused them trouble or not. If Fl is your destination go to Key west . Outer Banks of NC is definately in the running.
  24. Here is the drill. 1. Get cash from ATM since they won't work 2. Fill car/ cars with gas fill a couple of extra cans if available. 3. Fill bathtub with water . Can be used to flush , or cook with if the water supply gets contaminated. 4. Turn freezer and fridge up to max and do not open very often if you loose power. 5. Tape windows to stop flying glass, 6. Plenty of Batts for lighting. Remember no air it gets hot in Fl and even hotter if you are using candles/ lanterns. 7. Battery operated or Crank radio . 8. Plenty of beer !!!!!!!!!!!!! 9. Charcoal if you have a grill, propane if it is gas. Good Luck.
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