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Art in PNS

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Everything posted by Art in PNS

  1. No But I'd support a plaque or some other recognition for his service and accomplishments.
  2. Jay you really know how to get your Kids to understand life's priorities at an early age !!!
  3. The jersey unveiling will be saturday afternoon and you need a free Ticket . Doesn't cost anything but you have to have aticket and I'm not sure where you can get them other than at the stadium. I'll bet there all weekend.
  4. Glad to here everything is working out OK. Now the fun begins !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hope everything works out soon. These infections can be very painfull . Best wishes.
  6. Apparently my Daughter wants to Bracket summer . My first Grandaughter was born on 9/4 ( labor day weekend ) and this one was born this morning at 6:17 AM ( memorial Day weekend ) . All are fine and now I will commence with celebratory imbibing as well a commie cohiba. Have a safe and Happy weekend all, and ...... GO BILLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. He was too smart for the Phin line up. Seriously he signs a vet minimum contract comes to camp and competes. If he sucks and McNally can't do anything with him , see ya. If he responds he beats out Lawrence Smith who hasn't done anything to impress yet . Could be camp fodder could be a solid back up, I have no clue and in May it doesn't much matter.
  8. I've seen 26 and there are more than a few on the list I have never heard of before. Not to mention they missed a few !!!
  9. Back at you Cindy . Have a safe and happy weekend. Good luck to your sister and maybe I'll see you at the Bills carnival Sunday. I'll be in the area that whole weekend and am definitely going Friday and saturday.
  10. "Gooooaaaaalllliee Sucks! Gooooaaaallllie Sucks!" 341293[/snapback] I graduated in 79 right before the Hockey team came into its own. Lots of fun in the arena though.
  11. KFFL is now reporting gone for the year, which means he failed another drug test. Article says it has nothing to do with the whiz bang gadget.
  12. Whether they look at him or not , we now know who blinked first in the travis for Shelton Drama. No way Travis gets cut so who has more value ???????????
  13. According to KFFL OT LJ Shelton released. Now where have I heard that name before ????
  14. Hi Hammer 2 spots general but near the outside edge so we can use the EZ-UP tarp as usual. Art Smith - Art in RTP
  15. Great Job Lori . Thanks to all that attended for the update , it is really appreciated. I especially lke TD's line about mort, ourlads and the guy writing for the paper and that he will trust his scouts. Now that is a leader . You can agree, disagree whatever but he gives it pretty much straight. Almost like Levy with his quote that as a couch if you start listening to the fans you ay wind up sitting with them. Let the front office handle the bills and we can second guess all we want on the board, doesn't get much better than that.
  16. CROSSING FINGERS NOW . Let the Injury bug leave us alone !!!
  17. Hodge needs to stop using Dion's tailor. Just looking at his suits made my stomach churn.
  18. The only thing worse than the hours of drivel on Maurice on day 2 was the constant draft pictures of Adam Pac-man Jones they kept flashing . What a punk looking kid. Of course then he opened his mouth and it was truly embarassing.
  19. Great news Rock. Hope all are in good health.
  20. I'll actually be in NY this weekend.
  21. Agree completely Aussiew . Like willis and can't stand Old Neon . Hated him at Fla State and ever since. YUK !!!
  22. Miami will always be a rivalry from a Bills fan's standpoint. The fact that the Miami Rasta's don't consider it to be any more has nothing to do with my desire to stomp the ever loving crap out of them at least 2 times a year. The only time it is ok for them to get to the playoff's is so we can beat them 3 times in one year!
  23. Sully's is a great place , but a small enterprise part time but Sean and his mother are great to talk to and have some great stories. I stop every game that I can manage and usually during preseason at least once.
  24. Teams that end the year with the same record rotate positions in the rounds so last year there were I think two other teams that had the same record that we did. so in Round 1 Team a picks followed by B followed by C. Next round B,then C ,then A. Third round C,then A then B and back again don't emember exactly how they pick the first order however.
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