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Art in PNS

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Posts posted by Art in PNS

  1. Really?  I thought it was an open air stadium. :blush:

    My point is who wants to travel all thay way, spend all kind of money and have to put up with a snowstorm to travel around in for the weekend.




    It is called football , not golf , not tennis . Sure it is more comfortable in a dome , but it is much more cmfortable in my living room. The game should be played outside not in a living room.

  2. The closer we get to the draft, the stronger the feeling gets. The feeling that Vince Young will fall.


    Now i'm not talking like Aaron Rodgers fall or even Ben Roethlisberger fall. But i'm starting to feel he'll be available when we pick. After last night's Senior Bowl and the weeks practices, here's how i'm seeing it shaping up:


    1.) Houston - Reggie Bush

    2.) New Orleans - Matt Leinart

    3.) Tennessee - Jay Cutler

    4.) New York - D'Brickashaw Ferguson

    5.) Green Bay - Mario Williams

    6.) Oakland - A.J. Hawk

    7.) San Francisco - DeAngelo Williams


    From what I understand, Norm Chow is REALLY high on Cutler. Especially after working with him all week. He coached Leinart and college and "reportedly" thinks Cutler would have been better with Leinart's targets. On top of all of this, Cutler provides a more stable selection at the QB position. We all know what Young is capable of. But I think the closer we get to the draft, the more people are going to realize that teams are afraid of picking Young.


    I think all of these people who are saying he's a top-3 pick are just clueless media members who are in love with him and his hype.


    If he isn't picked by either New Orleans or Tennessee, he's going to fall. There's absolutely no way the Jets will take him. Especially not after the way the Brick looked this week. He's exactly what they want or need. It's either going to be the Brick or DeAngelo who helped his cause TREMENDOUSLY this week.


    From there the only team who would take him is Oakland. Green Bay isn't going to spend their pick on a QB when they picked one just last year. And San Fran spent the #1 pick overall on a QB last year as well. And the rumors are flying that Daunte is going to reunite with Randy in Oakland.


    All in all, after last night this is how I see things coming together. I'm not saying we take Vince. I'm just saying that i'm starting to think he'll be there. And I wouldn't be surprised if he was the pick if he was there. Although, i'd rather have Ngata.


    Id be more inclined to think they take vince young in this situatuion than ferguson. How many more shoulder surgeries can the jets expect from their present QB. Vince young may negate the need for a Top Left tackle with his mobility.

  3. I think Saban is crazy like a Fox on this one. Sure he wants to trade up but I bet the compensation comes in the form of Ricky Ganja Williams , not another pick . He is trying to get rid of a problem he has and gain from it. Therefore I don't think he is going to find anyone except of Course Oakland. They always have room for another head case.

  4. Prague or at least the parts I have seen was abosultely awesome. Parts of the city are quite modern , with lots of old world architecture. Same as Budapest. Just be aware that certain things we take for granted here , like Hot water , clean modern bathrooms , air conditioning , vary widely in their availability and function so you can easily feel disoriented over a period of time. Sort of like long term RV living. If you get the chance though well worth the experience. I will be back in the Czeck republic for a short tiime later this year.

  5. Agreed except he was taking a test at the time. Unless it was in a remedial basket weaving class that teacher was way out of line as far as the story goes. You just never know the extent of the harrassment/ abuse/ normal rough housing to read into these things. Never on test day . Period.

  6. Unfortunately she has her points , and it is obvious to anyone that has attended games over the years. This year for the ESPN night game it was ugly . Usually you have to stand up to see the game, that evening , you couldn't see the game because of all the idiots that are fighting. I agree that drinking is not the issue ,it is the number of people attending that have the IQ of a 3 minute egg and then of course get drunk. Pretty soon we may catch up to basketball as the sport of hoodlum U. If you park in the lots you need to bring a boom with you to sweep the glass out of a path so you can leave. Lots open and they are clean. People tailgate and turn into slobs. Trash cans all over the place and they just smash bottles on the ground , throw trash all over the place , burn whatever they can find and generally go nuts. Pretty stupid behavior for adults. Finsh your beer, walk your fat ass over to the garbage can and deposit it in the can. Or collect them all in a bag and take them home. That is what the group I travel with does. Anyone that can't keep their trash collected doesn't go again.


    The substitute teacher that made fun of Mularkey in front of his son at scholl should have been terminated. The !@#$s that put For sale signs in his yard should be arrested for tresspassing. Call him names , right letters , call in the talk shows all you want, but leave the family out of it. Take the big brave fan that throws snowballs, beer bottles or whatever at the players for any reason . Ban them for life from the stadium , chances are you are a woos anyway. You want to be respected meet the player one on one after the game and shoot your big mouth off . Doubt that will happen since even the smallest players would whip serious butt on most fans.


    Time to bring civility back to the game , and all sports before the fun of tailgating and actual fan involvement gets regulated out of existence. B-)

  7. I dont think it's the team who has quit I think the majority of the people on this board has quit on the team......going into face the patsies and were allready conceiding defeat??.....way to fire up the patriots board....Lets go in and whip theyre asses...


    Lets look at the facts:

    we lost to New Orleans, Atlanta and Tampa Bay (2 High quality football teams and one game we should have one) Keep in mind with a quarterback that has seen so NFL action in his life) We looked good the past 2 weeks, there was areas that needed to be cleaned up, the glaring one obviously being run defence. Apart from that we have a good all around team. I still don't think we have put it together on offence yet, we need more unpredictability....like the success of the reverse on the first drive yesterday......yesterday we were too pass happy, that was a mistake but something hopefully the coaches will learn and build on......Call me insane but i think we have a shot next week, we need to control the clock with the running game, if we dont do this it could be a long night, howver we are capable of doing this.......


    As for people up in arms with a road loss to oakland??.....1-4 is not representative of oaklands team....how are they weak??.....Porter and Moss are probably the most feared receivers weve faced as of yet (really impressed with porter) and LaMont Jordan is a Featured BAck waiting to happen......at the end of this season lets take a look at OAkland's record, they are a quality football team and not as bad as the record shows....


    The point is this team aint perfect, but neither is the AFC East or the AFC for that matter, im gonna continue to be a fan and have confidence this team will get better




    I am not quitting . Pissed off yes but I stayed and watched time expire on the clock. Come next Sunday I'll be rooting for them again because they are my team. Doesn't mean I liked what I saw yesterday though. It was PATHETIC , rarely have I seen a Bills team show almost no heart for an entire game. Loosing doesn't bother me as much as just playing poorly and not being able to adjust.

  8. is it just me or is anyone else surprised the raiders didnt take a knee and end the game. Instead they continue to run the ball and score a meaningless td with 18 seconds left to go up 21? What gives? Where the raiders trying to prove something or does the raider coach dislike mm? Thought it was strange- most teams will just call off the dogs with so little time left.




    This is the NFL not the pee wee league. At the end of the year points scored can be a tie breaker. I would never take a knee when you are in position to put points on the board. Our defense knowing they were coming still couldn't get pissed off enough to stop them. Maybe next week.

  9. Hey guys,

    I'm planning on going to the buffalo denver game in december and I've never been to a game before so I'm unsure which section would be the best place to see the game. I'm planning on being in the lower level, near the 50 yard line, but I've heard that you can sit too close. Does that mean if i'm in row 5 i'll be blocked by players and coaches?

    Does that mean that row 25 or 30 would be a better seat? Any advice that could be given would be really appreciated, as I want to make this game really memorable.




    Watched the Green Bay preseason game from the 4th row on the 30 yard line and unless you are Cablelady checking out the players BUTTS , I'd say the 25 -30 row is the best, Never sat in the 15-25 section so ???? In row 5 even standng up you were too low to SEE THE GAME .

  10. KC marched right down the field on the 1st drive.  Then Miami went 3 & out.  KC had to punt back to Miami.

    After lots of nothing, Welker returns a punt about 40 yds to the 10, Dolphins have to settle for a field goal.

    After the field goal, KC marched it down the field , L. Johnson in from the 1.

    Dolphins drove down the field to the 5 in the last minute of the half,  had to settle for a FG as the half ran out.

    Dolphins start 2nd half with Ronnie Brown 65 yd TD on opening drive.  Kc right back. Holmes 35 ud td

    FG KC

    KC 51 yard FG.  13:25 left in 4th quarter

    KC 52 yard FG.  2 straight 50+ yard FGs

    Chambers 78 yd td catch from Sage Rosenfels.  2:35 left

    KC recovered the kickoff.  Turn out the lights, the party's over.



    The final score was a great late night snack last night and reading this was a great continental breakfast on Sat morning. Now lets hope the buffet continues in grand style this week with a Bills win and a J_E_T_S_ suck suck suck loss. Bills end up on top of the AFC EAST and begin the climb to post season.

  11. had a bills fan row 8 section 135 yell and scream filth at JP all day . he never stoped . with about 6 mins  left people started throwing things at him and telling him to shut up and sit down . then some one dumped a drink on him and he flong one back at the guy sitting in row 9 to my right.both got tossed . both  bills fans .



    I wouldn't call them Bills fans. I'd call them drunks with a Bills Jersey or hat on. It all seems to be part of the culture that a rivalry means you fight , rather than play hard . I doubt either of these guys could spout off stats of the game or previous games or years. They just use the games as ways to show how stupid they are. NEWS FLASH No oponent no game. They call that practice.

  12. Whenever I request player photos from the Buffalo Bills for the monthly wallpaper, it seems that they just send whatever I request. Seldom do they offer any suggestions when I leave it open-ended.


    So, this month I'm at a loss. I've considered requesting London Fletcher, Nate Clements or Rian Lindell... but I don't know if you all might think some other player is more deserving.


    I'm open to suggestions...



    I'll take a Jumbotron with the Bills winning all of there Oct Games. SWEET

  13. Every phase of the game is as pathetically awful as one could imagine. The offense looks worse than the Texans looked last week, and the defense looks like a typical Rams performance.


    I don't think I've ever seen us get run on like this. Defense: F


    Losman can't see what's going on out there, looks like sh--, threw three passes directly into Tampa defenders, who should have made picks. Losman: F


    OLine can't make a hole: F


    McGahee dancing: F


    Receivers: Where the fug is LEE?! ... F


    You know things are bad when Moorman is punting like schitt and the best player is Josh Reed. We look like a 6-10 team at best.


    Wow. What a wake-up call. We're not as good as we thought.


    Coaching and playcalling: F


    Looks like we also have key injuries to Big Mike and Fletcher (Where's Fletcher out there? Crowell looks like schitt.)


    You can't really have an opinion about the Bills after the last two weeks. Looks like the Jeckyl/Hide Bills of the Bledsoe era to me.


    Am I overreacting? Very well then, I'm overreacting. I have NOT seen a worse football game in all four phases. Coaching, Offense, Defense, ST. Four Fs.


    Careful you are showing your age !!!!!!!!!!!!! No doubt the sucked big time today but I've seen the Bills play worse than this for a whole season before .


    As JSP said if My jami looses the afc is tied with everyone at 1-1 . Oh well.

  14. Yes, 4 weeks shy of my 43rd birthday I finally get my Bachelor's degree.


    Nobody tell me what happens in the game cause I'll be watching it on tape tomorrow evening!


    They were nice enough to schedule the ceremony during an away game week, but it is during the game.


    Congrats Jay but this is like throwing down the Gauntlet to some members on this board. I wouldn't answer my cell or home phone anytime after 4 PM if I were you . See you in San Antonio !!!!

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