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Art in PNS

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Everything posted by Art in PNS

  1. Best wishes toyou your wife and your newest addition. If you thought marriage was fun , now you are "MARRIED WITH CHILDREN " and that is a whole new experience.
  2. Don't forget they played Jim Leonard in the last few games a bit and I think they may like his tenacity. Not that much smaller tahn Milloy and a whole lot younger. Based on the number of times Milloy got steamrolled last year I'm not surprised.
  3. Sam Adams , Lawyer milloy and Campbell . Looks like wholesale house cleaning to come with a youth movement.
  4. Yeah it would be poetic justice to be in MyJami playing in the Super Bowl While little Ricky was off in India at the Bong Shrine.
  5. Don't have any , nor personal days. I am salaried and if I take off 3 weeks of sick days no problem. FYI have not taken one since 1988 when I was out 4 weeks .
  6. It is called football , not golf , not tennis . Sure it is more comfortable in a dome , but it is much more cmfortable in my living room. The game should be played outside not in a living room.
  7. [Feb 12th . I'll be there.
  8. Odd that they have not officially acknowledged the hiring of Fewell yet though.
  9. Insurance against someone poaching him from us w/o a head coaching job.
  10. Id be more inclined to think they take vince young in this situatuion than ferguson. How many more shoulder surgeries can the jets expect from their present QB. Vince young may negate the need for a Top Left tackle with his mobility.
  11. I think Saban is crazy like a Fox on this one. Sure he wants to trade up but I bet the compensation comes in the form of Ricky Ganja Williams , not another pick . He is trying to get rid of a problem he has and gain from it. Therefore I don't think he is going to find anyone except of Course Oakland. They always have room for another head case.
  12. Prague or at least the parts I have seen was abosultely awesome. Parts of the city are quite modern , with lots of old world architecture. Same as Budapest. Just be aware that certain things we take for granted here , like Hot water , clean modern bathrooms , air conditioning , vary widely in their availability and function so you can easily feel disoriented over a period of time. Sort of like long term RV living. If you get the chance though well worth the experience. I will be back in the Czeck republic for a short tiime later this year.
  13. Agreed . Donnie Henderson for DC and maybe even Heimerdinger for OC if he is that PO'd with the Jets. Henderson is very good I think and with Parrish , evans and McGahee I think we have better weapons that the Turbo props gave Heimerdinger this year.
  14. Agreed except he was taking a test at the time. Unless it was in a remedial basket weaving class that teacher was way out of line as far as the story goes. You just never know the extent of the harrassment/ abuse/ normal rough housing to read into these things. Never on test day . Period.
  15. Unfortunately she has her points , and it is obvious to anyone that has attended games over the years. This year for the ESPN night game it was ugly . Usually you have to stand up to see the game, that evening , you couldn't see the game because of all the idiots that are fighting. I agree that drinking is not the issue ,it is the number of people attending that have the IQ of a 3 minute egg and then of course get drunk. Pretty soon we may catch up to basketball as the sport of hoodlum U. If you park in the lots you need to bring a boom with you to sweep the glass out of a path so you can leave. Lots open and they are clean. People tailgate and turn into slobs. Trash cans all over the place and they just smash bottles on the ground , throw trash all over the place , burn whatever they can find and generally go nuts. Pretty stupid behavior for adults. Finsh your beer, walk your fat ass over to the garbage can and deposit it in the can. Or collect them all in a bag and take them home. That is what the group I travel with does. Anyone that can't keep their trash collected doesn't go again. The substitute teacher that made fun of Mularkey in front of his son at scholl should have been terminated. The !@#$s that put For sale signs in his yard should be arrested for tresspassing. Call him names , right letters , call in the talk shows all you want, but leave the family out of it. Take the big brave fan that throws snowballs, beer bottles or whatever at the players for any reason . Ban them for life from the stadium , chances are you are a woos anyway. You want to be respected meet the player one on one after the game and shoot your big mouth off . Doubt that will happen since even the smallest players would whip serious butt on most fans. Time to bring civility back to the game , and all sports before the fun of tailgating and actual fan involvement gets regulated out of existence.
  16. Yup Congrats are due . He is there every year but got the Monkey off his back this year!!!!
  17. I HATE JERKWORSKI with a passion. He is on the list of Buttfaces that could cause me to stop buying seasons tickets. Luckily I don't think it would ever happen.
  18. This clinches it. He is headed to Dolfelons for sure !!!!
  19. Yup I'll be renewing mine. Already have 6 don't need any more. Hard to find people to go sit n the seats when it got cold this year but oh Well . Maybe next year the Bills will play football for at least 30 minutes a game .
  20. I am not quitting . Pissed off yes but I stayed and watched time expire on the clock. Come next Sunday I'll be rooting for them again because they are my team. Doesn't mean I liked what I saw yesterday though. It was PATHETIC , rarely have I seen a Bills team show almost no heart for an entire game. Loosing doesn't bother me as much as just playing poorly and not being able to adjust.
  21. This is the NFL not the pee wee league. At the end of the year points scored can be a tie breaker. I would never take a knee when you are in position to put points on the board. Our defense knowing they were coming still couldn't get pissed off enough to stop them. Maybe next week.
  22. Watched the Green Bay preseason game from the 4th row on the 30 yard line and unless you are Cablelady checking out the players BUTTS , I'd say the 25 -30 row is the best, Never sat in the 15-25 section so ???? In row 5 even standng up you were too low to SEE THE GAME .
  23. The final score was a great late night snack last night and reading this was a great continental breakfast on Sat morning. Now lets hope the buffet continues in grand style this week with a Bills win and a J_E_T_S_ suck suck suck loss. Bills end up on top of the AFC EAST and begin the climb to post season.
  24. I wouldn't call them Bills fans. I'd call them drunks with a Bills Jersey or hat on. It all seems to be part of the culture that a rivalry means you fight , rather than play hard . I doubt either of these guys could spout off stats of the game or previous games or years. They just use the games as ways to show how stupid they are. NEWS FLASH No oponent no game. They call that practice.
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