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Art in PNS

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Posts posted by Art in PNS

  1. The difference being he recognized he was missing out on a great opportunity and by recent ( meaning last year ) accounts he pulled himself up and not only had a very good year in football but also pulled his grades up dramatically. There is a difference between a barin dead slug acting in said fashion and a KID that looks at himself and says OH S$$t I better get my act together or its' Do you want FRies with that for me. I'll take the guy that falls down and gets back up over the one that never stumbles and never pushes himself evry time.

  2. Hey,I liked that Wilson kid.I watched him in practice and thought he did really well.Give the kid a real shot. :devil:




    I do to . He had great hands. Aiken is under contract and if davis makes it as another speedy Wide out , I think Fast freddie is gone . If Moulds leaves then Evans becomes #1 and Aiken becomes the big target in MOulds place , with reed and parrish as the 3rd and 4th .

  3. apparently u dont watch games.........he only dropped 2 balls this year




    It is the RAC yards where he excels. That TD last year running through players was a thing of beauty . Now we just have to hope it was a sign of things to come and not just a JR career highlight bite.

  4. Prior to signing with the Skins, the Bears offered Randel El a 6 years $18 million contract with an $8 million signing bonus. The Skins then signed him for a 7 year $31 million contract with an $11.5 million signing bonus.[/b]


    Not even in the same ballpark. Now, I think that Randel El is a special player. But is he a glorified special team player that can, every once in a while, make a great trick play. But the Skins offense is not the Steeler and not equiped to execute those type of trick plays.


    Oh yeah, and he only had 35 catches last year.



    Ya Think ??? I thought he was stupid to turn down the Bears offer but then in comes old Danny Boy and poof peal another layer off the stupid onion.

  5. He covers Josh reed , but with his return ability I really thisnk he just took Fast freddies place on the roster. I expect Moulds, Evans ,Davis,Aiken, and parrish to be the top 5 with a practice squadm guy ( can't remember his name but was lighting it up in camp ) to be the 6th if they keep one. Moulds will basically be playing one year and if he can't bring it either Davis wins his slot or Aiken becomes the position reciever.

  6. I'd still take Ralph over some of the supposed In the Know owners. Ralph is a football man that just happens to be 87 years old and still makes more money a year than most of us will ever hope to see. I think Mike and Mike( as well as many other pinheads out there ) need to print a copy of this Ralph bashing crap and send it to themselves in an envelope to be opened on their 87th B'day. My bet is neither of them will be around without drooling out of the side of their mouth , and getting their depends changed 2 or three times a day. Very simply it is his team and he expressed an opinion but everyone sides with Dannie boy Snyder because he has all the scratch but couldn't hold a candle to Ralph in football knowledge. Read Ralph's statements about the contract now and they are very lucid. Maybe he doesn't express himself very well these days but he still now's scat when he smells it.

  7. I think Rashad Baker could play SS in the Cover 2 D.


    Don't forget they played Jim Leonard in the last few games a bit and I think they may like his tenacity. Not that much smaller tahn Milloy and a whole lot younger. Based on the number of times Milloy got steamrolled last year I'm not surprised.

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