It's the hollywood syndrome. The NFL right now is all about the merchandising of it's product and less about the product itself. The ralph is a great place to watch a football game , good sightlines from everywhere, it's outside and you can feel like a part of the game. When it rains you get wet, when it's cold you freeze your ass off just like the players except we all look like eskimo's . The luxury boxes are like going to a downtown bar nothing wong with it by why put up with the traffic if you are not going to get the EXPERIENCE of the game. I live in NC and have seasons tix. It's much cheaper for mre to stay in my own luxury box with my wide screen TV, surround sound system , better low cost beer and good food.Plus no possible way to get in a traffic accident or worse . I choose to drive/fly to as many games as possible to tailgate with other football fans and actually WATCH the game. I'm not interested in whether the carpet is frayed or he paint doesn't match the ammenities. I'm not showing up in Hollywood look at me gear . I'm coming in a Bills Jersy and hat. Just keep the concrete from falling on me and give me a decent seat for my old fat butt. Of course I am not going to sit in it very long except for the commercial time outs which come every three minutes. While Ralph appreciates my seasons ticket purchase , the NFL couldn't care less unless somehow I can get more TV coverage or add revenue. Hell Ralph would get more media attention if he gave one of the suites to Jon and Kate plus 8 . Just think of it all those TV viewers tuning in to see whats happening . Forget the game not important. As long as REALITY TV shows keep drawing the audience they do why pay for an actual game at all , just build a hollywood set and all the mental midget FANS will line out to see what will happen next. I'll leave my rant now.