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Everything posted by markgbe

  1. https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings/blob/master/fatal-police-shootings-data.csv Get off of CNN's teat.. learn a little something. https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings/blob/master/fatal-police-shootings-data.csv .
  2. agree with OP 100%. love it.
  3. man, the only team i hate more than the Pats are the seahawks... This is going to be a rough SB.
  4. This. There are VERY few people on this board that don't think that they are experts.
  5. Yup. Build o-line so that EJ has a ton of time. At that point if he can't make throws, we look elsewhere. It's riduously simple at this point with our awesome D, and good special teams.
  6. Why would we replace average with average? IMO, we should only be looking at QBs with PROVEN talent beyond what is on our current roster. A lateral move servers no purpose.
  7. OLINE. Orton is workable IMO. EJ, we still dont REALLY know.
  8. If the o-line can play well, easy win. If the o-line is mush, it will be close, defense will need to carry.
  9. From that list, i'd only want cutler. BUT, cutler is Orton with a bit of mobility. I would not be mad to hold on to Orton and build an o-line.
  10. Why? Orton = Cutler. Both are moderately ok.
  11. good- win, good d, decent O. bad- optimally, we really shouldn't have taken more from the turnovers. That is all
  12. nah, we won the game and have a winning record. I'm pretty sure you don't fire people when you are winning. This sounds about right for many people around here though.. lol "weh we're losing, FIRE them". "WEH we're wining, FIRE THEM"
  13. wat? Who cares? This team is doing better than it has it quite a while. Can't we just watch and enjoy the game without pitchforking the players and staff every week? i mean, ESPECIALLY after a win. This place is f'ing bonkers.
  14. All QBs except Rivers, Brady, Manning, Luck, Rodgers are mediocre currently.... This thread is useless.
  15. Tuel did a couple good things yesterday, my favorite was sliding and protecting himself. Please EJ take that page of of the Tuel manual and place it into the EJ 'Manuel'(oh yeah).
  16. geno is horrible. Falcons made him look good.
  17. what the? this is fake
  18. i agree with this but i don't think its to the point of "Hackett needs to go" yet.
  19. i think we have to chalk this up to EJ's rookie status. Jets did a good job of applying pressure. I do think we have a decent chance against the ravens next week. We shall see. I definitely do not want to see as many floaters to the sidelines like we have over the past couple weeks... i mean, unless it starts working.
  20. ugh, i wish they would have just sent this dude packing.
  21. he has to play a half i think. Just get rid of the ball and dont run around...
  22. lol, title is fitting. Women are horrible creatures.
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