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Everything posted by HerdMenatlity1

  1. The art of negotiating, start high.
  2. 🤣 Josh may never know the struggle either. A SB win isn't guaranteed. Ask Jim Kelly and the gang. Maybe he's happy where he is. As to his agent, Mckissinc sure seems happy to be able to stay where he is. Kudos to his agent. People here taking this personal, when you don't know him or his situation. Born and raised in Buffalo, but dollar for dollar, you can't get me to move back. Before you start with some BS reply, you don't know me, so don't.
  3. That's what I was thinking. Don't know his family situation, but moving sucks.
  4. A 💩 pie to the face of the 1st @$@# to try and make this a whipping boy thread. Had to get that in there.
  5. Being that it's a team game, I had the same thought. 👍
  6. Ouch, that really hurt. 😂 Sincerely, J.D. Mckissic
  7. I'm just glad we're in a position to not have to count on rookies to win now. If they contribute mightily 1st year, great, but Beane has us in a position where we can still build for the future. Near future. Just like our de picks last year.
  8. Plus our safeties are no spring chickens. They are vital to our current SB run, but finding a young safety or two is a good idea. A little time to groom. Not a luxury pick at all.
  9. My post is the 1st on page 4 and I counted 10 with my specific quotes and there were more suggesting that he isn't any good. That hardly nobody. Settle down, all I did was answer Augie's question. With actual #s. I also merely pointed out there was no mention of Josh from the OP, my Josh comment was because the OP wasn't comparing the 2, was he? IMO, Augie didn't stay on topic and it stood out to me. I like Josh as much as anyone else here, well maybe not as much to invoke Josh in every QB thread. Especially when this thread isn't even about comparing Tua to anyone, much less Josh. Your last paragraph is a prime example. "Oh, but Josh, Josh, Josh" Stop it already. Hopefully I cleared things up for you. It's early where I live, but maybe you need a nice cold beverage. Happy Saturday!! Go Bills!
  10. There's at least 10 posts here saying he "sucks","is a joke", "is a scrub". Also, the op didn't even come close to comparing him to Josh.
  11. I'm a grower, not a show-er.
  12. I have fun doing them. Better than solitaire.
  13. Can this dude punt?
  14. If we can fit him under a reasonable contract, I wouldn't hate the idea. Oh, wait...he doesn't smile enough.
  15. Andy Reid to over a decade to "learn" before winning his 1st. We're all in right now. Now is not the time to change coaches, IMO. Now, if we blow chunks this year...
  16. The Lakers need him more.
  17. agreed, but the Raiders can be sneaky good this year.
  18. Miller. Josh can make just about anyone look good. Our defense needed someone like Von. desperately.
  19. Wonder what Jackson Mahomes thinks about this.🤣
  20. Hello all, Seeing the thread about Tyreke possibly seeking a trade, I wanted to pick back up on this subject. My original post mentioned the AFCW upgrading QB talent, big time as a reason for not building our team to beat KC. Since then, I have thought of the playoff run the Chiefs have been on over the past few years. They've had quite a run. Thing is, I remember our 90's Bills going on a sustained run and it was awesome(save for the SB's), but after so many seasons played AND the extra playoff games, there comes a point where our key guys were just worn down. Everyone seems to "get up" for you more so than, say the Jets. Playing the Bills at that time was the "Super Bowl" for a lot of teams. With KC, not only has the division gotten a lot tougher, but key guys are getting older or seeking to get paid. Kelcey is 32 yrs old, I believe and he has a lot of wear on those tires. Honey badger left for more $. A glance at their roster doesn't show a ton of players over 30 years old, but the key players have to be wearing down after a long playoff run. I believe Kelcey has played an extra 15 games over the course of his time here. That's almost a full extra season for such a key player. A few players nearing the age of 30 will probably feel this effect too. If Tyreke stays, he's 28 and has a ton of wear with the extra games played. Just curious if anyone thinks their time is up due to these extra games wearing them down over the past few years. Thoughts and thanks. EDIT: Tyreke gone to Miami. Changes this, drastically.
  21. You talking fans or coaches around the league?
  22. And Milano. Wasn't his assignment 😃. Your "stud" lb, Milano had that assignment. And blew chunks, but yeah, he's a way better lb.
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