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Everything posted by HerdMenatlity1

  1. This, I’d love to see. Go ahead, dive deeper into the unknown. I mean you two are tight, right? Some folks should just mind their own. IMO your post is a great example.
  2. https://www.google.com/search?q=this+is+the+song+that+never+ends&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1021US1022&oq=this&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i67l2j69i60l3.4342j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f15db949,vid:xz6OGVCdov8,st:0
  3. GM Jerry made a huge mistake in paying Zeke
  4. Three good buddies here in fl are cowboys fans. They said they wouldn’t watch them play as long as Romo was the QB. Now they want Jerry gone. “He’s a terrible GM” they say. 😂
  5. Wasn’t Jimmy’s agent allowed to seek a trade by SF? Seems odd that someone would bring up tampering if that was the case.
  6. If You really think Josh is on his mind during a game and he can just do this to show Josh…he’s the best qb out there.
  7. Daboll giving his best Mack Brown impersonation after the game. Dancing with his team in the locker room. 😂 Happy for him.
  8. According to spotrac, Allen averages $43 million per year. It’s not like he gave us a hometown discount. Sure he’s loyal, cuz the money was right. Another example is Bates. He’s not here due to loyalty, we matched the Bears offer or he was gone. Von wanted to play for the Cowboys, but we gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Stop kidding yourselves, it’s about the money.
  9. Three clips in a row where you can see the Edmunds effect and not one post here on it. The middle of the field was just not available for Stafford. Any clue as to why!?!? He had to resort to no look side arm throws trying to trick our defensive QB. Ever see a horse with blinders on?
  10. He played in the SEC. They have a game or two vs. scrubs, but those teams run through a gauntlet. He played vs tough competition in college. It’s Bama, I get it, but not every game was vs scrubs. I’m guessing injury has a lot to do with it. Along with 5th-7th rounders not lasting too long. I believe Baker will be fine in Carolina. If he’s healthy this year.
  11. App State over Texas A&M
  12. Oliver is in his 4th yr and we have a 5th yr option as a 1st round pick. Gabe is in yr 3 of his rookie contract. Beane has time and will make it work.
  13. Didn’t realize I missed your takes on the games until just now. Thanks and great job. Looking forward to the next game and your thoughts.
  14. Pillow soft B!?! Keyboard tough guys are funny. Curious: would you dare say that to KDs face? 🤔
  15. Ah, the ole hindsight is 20/20 thread. Did you ever say who you would have drafted? I’m lazy and don’t want to read all posts to find out.
  16. Just don’t do the Pontiac joke
  17. It worked both ways. The dline benefits from his presence. Stafford couldn’t throw down the middle with Edmunds roaming out there. He double clutched a couple of times cuz Edmunds was occupying that space. That allowed the dline to get there. Nothing twisted. It’s a team game. Edmunds does what he’s supposed to and the rest of the defense benefits. Watch again and tell me Edmunds didn’t affect Stafford ability to throw down the middle. Dline had a great game too. They meshed together nicely.
  18. Edmunds led a damn good defensive effort. All those turnovers by the offense would have sunk just about any other team.
  19. Weak Link?!?! Holding us back!?!?! We won by 21 points, on the road, vs. the defending SB Champs!!! I'm fine with the splits. We are built to be deep at a lot of positions, including RB. Keep them fresh. It seems some here want an all pro at every position or he's our whipping boy. Ain't gonna happen. Given time, our 3 headed RB attack will be just fine. Again, unless you want an all pro at every position, including the back ups. Either that or some of you are just miserable, I guess. Cheer up!
  20. I thought he had a really good game last night
  21. He is talented, I give you that
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