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Everything posted by HerdMenatlity1

  1. Finish the job!
  2. I met Kelso at a restaurant back in his days with us. I remember thinking " I can take this guy, easily".
  3. Didn't notice. I'll say for comparisons sake.😂
  4. I owe you dinner.
  5. Don't blink. 😂 Dopey is not the most tech savvy.
  6. I loved the pick when it happened and am really excited to see him take over the RB spot. He won't be a workhorse but will provide what we need from our rb. Great vision, patience, cut back ability, YAC ability, elusiveness, great hands and plenty of speed. I can't believe people here viewed him as a slow last year. Hesitant at the beginning of the year, sure. But his speed was never in doubt. Hopefully the YouTube link below works.
  7. So, you won’t look at Josh as a potential problem? Color me shocked 😳.
  8. Yes. With a degree you said smart people could obtain. Finance. According to wiki He also received Academic all-conference honors in 1996 and 1997 Anti-Mclappington!?! WOW!!
  9. I know this isn’t meant to be a McDermott bashing thread, but this sure comes off as one. You mentioned a smart person who would have gone into, oh I don’t know, FINANCE. McDermott has a degree in…wait for it…FINANCE. Maybe I’m old school, but give me “football guys” scheming for my team. The his isn’t Madden. McD comes from a better “tree” IMO. The Andy Reid tree has a lot more SB winners than Kyle’s. Kyle hasn’t won a Super Bowl that I know of.
  10. The day Diggs was "dismissed" by coach, Josh specifically said it's not football related. The issue was between Diggs and Josh. Josh even said they will work it out. Folks don't want to believe Josh could do wrong. I get it. I think he let this stardom get to his head, banged a couple of hot chicks who weren't his girlfriend and it caught up to him. Except for a few here, everyone wants to just forget about this and blame Diggs for having an ego problem. He looked pissed that Josh wasn't ready to play. Distracted, maybe? An old high school friend wrote in my yearbook back in the day " use a rubber and you'll learn, no deposit, no return".
  11. I like it. I do think the offense will be better, including Davis. Of the group you listed, give me Adams.
  12. It’ll be tough. The AFCE has gotten better, but that includes us. We’re a better team than last year and my favorite to win the division. Even after bringing in oline help, wr help, rb help and trading up in the 1st round to help the offense, it’s amazing to still read some complaining that we’re not trying to help Josh. Four of the six draft picks were on offense The offense should be better than last year and only KC scored more points per game than the Bills last year. I guess I’m a glass half full kinda guy, when deserved. I did drop the Knicks back when Isaiah Thomas was GM and haven’t been back.
  13. Eureka!! You get it now. It is entertainment. Quit treating it like its life or death. Or don't. We're 4-5 in the playoffs under McD. 4-3 in the past 3 seasons. It's not like he's saying, "screw the playoffs, we had a great regular season". The fan who is content with this narrative wants a title too. We're just able to enjoy entertaining/winning football. Frightening?!?!? Kinda dramatic, no?
  14. The Diggs drama wasn’t football related. Josh said so. The drama was created by Josh “ I can’t keep it in my pants” Allen.
  15. Shush you’re mouth. LABILLBACKER. has been on this lack of offense kick for a while now. Even though we were 2nd in points per game scored last year. You’re messing up his message. 😂
  16. Nope. Liked watching him play, but he hasn’t done enough. He’s not even in the Colts ring of honor yet.
  17. I know it’s not SoCal, but I took a drive from Woodland Hills to the coast using Topanga Canyon Blvd. years ago. Absolutely Gorgeous!! If money were no object, I would trade Fl for Ca I love where I live in Fl except for July-October. Gulf coast is the armpit of Florida. Not as breezy.
  18. An extra room for the new bartender/babysitter.
  19. That should be enough room for his baby mama and new kid. Hopefully things are peaceful this upcoming postseason. No distractions needed like last postseason.
  20. Deja vu all over again?
  21. Or you could play left tackle in the nfl, maybe?!?🤔
  22. It’s easier for Josh to make people miss if he tried. He doesn’t though and he’s acknowledged that in previous interviews. Josh can do wrong folks. He’s not perfect. Hopefully he means what he says.
  23. You can explain it away all you want. He took Rex’s team to the playoffs. The Bills went from almost 2 decades of no playoffs to the playoffs, in his first season as HC. Any success by McDermott is just plain old luck. Got it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Josh is lucky we drafted him and not NJ,Cleveland,Carolina, or AZ. Josh is NOT the reason we made the playoffs in 2019. Far from it. That was a total team effort, including McDermott as HC. You don’t like McD. and Cincy is a better team than the Bills. We got it, already. You can say it 15 different ways and you’re still saying the same thing. Blah, blah, blah. Only to the “smart” posters.
  24. I think you should leave Rex out of the conversation. McDermott took Rex’s joke of a team to a playoff berth in his first season. Rex took a good thing and effed it up. From a top 5 defense to crap. Short memories. And…this team is much more than Josh. Except to Josh Allen jock strap sniffers. Give his jock back and maybe he keeps it in his pants and no baby daddy drama. Just before a playoff game vs. Cincy. I think that’s a what Diggs was pissed about. Very quiet subject here. 🤔
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