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Everything posted by HerdMenatlity1

  1. Please don't make promises you don't intend on keeping. You'll probably change your screen name and jump right back on complaining.Check the history of these franchises and you'll see they all had bad teams for a while. Where were the Pats before Brady? The Pack before Brett/Aaron? The Steelers before Ben? They all had down times. Before you start, the Pats and Pack were bad for a long time before being good for a while. Bye the way, the Colts are not tanking the season. They were an average team w one of the all-time greats at QB to come along.Now he's hurt and they suck.
  2. Look at every nfl team and you will see that winning is a cycle. We had our run in the early 90's and we were good for a 2-3 yr period around 2000. Look at the history of the Bears, Colts, Redskins,Pats, Jets, Phins, Pack, Steelers, Ravens, etc. and you'll see it happens in cycles. This league rewards the bad teams with high picks and with FA yiou can't keep a good team together for too long. The constant with teams that win for a sustained period of time is a HOF type QB. Even GB had a down year or two once Rodgers started. I guess what I'm saying is you guys are Bi-polar or need a damn life. Football should not be this important in life to where your week is ruined or you talk bad about a guy who is running HIS business like he wants(profitable). Hell, Jerry Jones spends lots of $ as does Snyder. Last I checked the Skins last SB win was against us(long time ago). By the way when wwas the last time the Cowboys were elite? Back when they beat us in the 2 SB's. We've tried to spend $ on Spikes, Fletch, to name a few over the last few years. When he sees fit he'll do it again, unlike Snyder/Jones. Believe it or not,Ralph doesn't owe you guys a thing.'Nuff said.
  3. That's because before injury, the line was not weak. The left side especially was pretty good. Now, Wr is a different story.
  4. Don't agree at all, with you or coach. It's not the coaching or play calling, and the players are executing the best they can. See below: We are a better team than last year, by alot. We are not a deep team on either side of the ball, but we are only in yr 2 of tearing Jaurons team apart and starting over. I think Chan and Nix are doing a hell of a job. A few weeks ago Chan was a genious, now it's his fault. He hasn't forgotten how to coach or call plays since week 4 or 5. No, he's lost some talent for a team that doesn't have alot of it to lose. Get a grip guys. Offence: Db's and Lb's are sitting on short routes because we have no speed on the outside, inside or tightend.Our speed guy(Jones) is not that good. He's dropping passes, he's not getting open, he's really a good ST's guy but that's it. Guys, were playing Spliller at receiver because of injury. Our left side of the line is a mess(now center too) and Fitz is getting pressured/hit/sacked because of it. In case you guys haven't noticed, since Levitre was moved to LT we lost our toughness/running game inside. Wood and Levitre were doing a hell of a job in the running game. Now Wood is gone and Levitre will play center. That running game is gone now. It's easier to gameplan against a team with no speed at receiver/tightend and no left side of an Oline. The plays worked when we had a healthy oline. They opened holes for Fred and held up enough to let Fitz get rid of the ball. I know the oline is supposed to go unoticed, but you guys have to have noticed the dropoff since the injuries to the oline. "Screens don't work when DBs and LBs are sitting on short routes anyway. Defense needs to be able to make on field adjustments without coaches clearance" So, since Chan is the problem, tell me what you would do differently? What adjustments would you like to see? Defense: We new coming in our D was a work in progress. Alot of new guys(FA and Rooks). I thought early on we looked better than last year. Still gave up yds, but looked better to me. LB was our weaklink coming in and the injuries to Merriman and Kelsy really hurt an already weak group. We are starting Shep(a rook) Barnett(new to the team) inside. That means with Merriman and Kelsy out, have four different LB's than last yr. The Lb's were playing alot better before the injuries. Inside we lost our ProBowl DT and his backup was out essentially the first 6-7 games, which means Heard was our man in the middle for a while. He played ok, but he's no KW. We are short of LB's so we use DE's(Carrington, Spencer) at OLB. Our DB's are really a good group but with no support from the LB's and no pressure on Qb's they are sitting ducks. we got those turnovers early on because we had decent pressure on the Qb's before injuries hit.
  5. Here I am!!!!!! Don't forget Easley and the left side of the line.
  6. The way I see it, we have 2 major issues with this team that is hurting our offense. And it's not Chan. 1. No deap threat. We traded Evans, lost Roscoe, lost Easley, then lost Jones for a while. Hell, we had to put Spiller in at receiver at times with Jones out.Jones is horrible. There is a reason he had to wait behind 3 players. The play calling would work a lot better if db's had to respect a vertical threat. 2. We are starting our LG(who was playing at a pro-bowl level) at LT. which means we are starting a scrub at LG. Our left side of the line is a mess. Hopefully we get those 2 back. Bell,Levitre,Wood make up a hell of a left side of the line. Seems simple enough to me. We are not deep enough as a team(yr 2 of rebuild) on offense to handle that many injuries. Hopefully this offseason we can get a deep threat and depth on th oline.
  7. Ticket prices will definetly rise with new ownership. Ralph owns the team outright, no loans to pay off. The new owner(s) will be paying back a loan to purchase the team, which means less/no profit. To correct this, ticket prices will go up.
  8. You guys are idiots!! Nothing wrong with being a good businessman. It's a business guys, remember that 1st and foremost. Would you move the team if it was making money?! Maybe we should thank him for taking a chance on Buffalo in the 1st place. The fact the Bills are profitable is a reason they are still here. I'm missing the logic. Sure he wasn't moving the Bills as you stated, unless they were losing money. In which case he would have sold them. So, I am thanking Ralph for running a profitable business. That is why they are still here. "Thanking Ralph for not spending the money to leave Buffalo is really what fans are doing. He did not keep the team here for the community's sake, he did so for his own benefit." Again, it's a business, if it's losing money you close up shop, sell or move. Please remove emotion when talking business.
  9. You're not very good at that sarcasm thing, are you?!
  10. WTF!!!!!! I USUALLY HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE USE ALL CAPS!! BUT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? ARE YOU REALLY TALKING DRAFT STATUS?!?!? HALF WAY THROUGH THE SEASON AND WE ARE TIED FOR 1ST PLACE AND YOU ARE TALKING DRAFT STATUS, BLESSING IN DISGUISE?!?!?! WOW!!! From what I read (no link, sorry) we tried cutting out the heal from his cleat to try and aleviate(sp) pressure. I had plantar faceitis(sp) and that would not be a problem with the heal. Totally different. I read it might be spurs behind the achilles.Again no link(sorry)
  11. Pretty sure that was in the preseason and it looked like the Bills were trying to get Spiller some touches to see how much he has learned. Fred was wrong here. It was preseason. Would any of you start Spiller over Fred?No! Would you take away touches from Fred because Spiller is a 1st rd pick? No! Spliier would be a bust if he was given the rock and failed. One other thing Sully failed to realize is that Spiller is RB not a receiver!!! He filled in for Jones due to injury. Coach didn't want to do it, but had to. Now that Jones is back, it's his spot and Spiller is the backup RB. If Fred hadn't played so well so far, Spiller would be starting. He hasn't had the chance yet to prove himself. I, for one am glad we have both RB's. If Fred gets hurt, we'll see what we have in Spiller. Until then, Sully is DEAD WRONG! Just my opinion.
  12. The Bills are on the rise, but this comment is not total BS. Their their LB's are better than ours, their Db's are better than ours, their OL is better than ours, their recievers are better than ours. The Dlines might be even(Jets get a slight edge to me), combined, their RB's are even with ours. To me it looks like the Jets are a more talented team.So if this comment is total BS like you say, please explain why you think this. Thanks.
  13. I think our DE's are pretty good, if they play DE and not OLB. They are DE's and need to stay there. The problem is our OLB spots are so weak that we are trying to fill the gaps with Carrington and Spencer Johnson at OLB. If we shore up the OLB spot in the off-season, we can keep these guys where they should be and have a really good and deep rotation at DE. I wouldn't mind 2-3 LB's in this draft.
  14. I was thinking at the half "wow, we've given up 3 pts over the last 6 quarters, 3-0 at the half. Not bad." That is one hell of a team to play without our 1st and 2nd LT and with our LG moved to LT.Our whole left side was a mess today. Not much room to run and pressure in Fitz's face. I thought Plax mauled our CB(Mckelvin or Flo?) on his catch to make 1st and goal. And Flo was called for doing the same thing Revis and Cro do all the time. That's 2 scores I thought were gifts. I saw one legit PI call in the endzone against Holmes. I thought our D was solid 'till those calls late in the game. A long drive to startby the Jets, but got a INT. If we have our Oline together and Kyle is back, I think we beat the Jets when we play in NJ.
  15. Maybe they knew the risks and thought it was worth it. The horse is dead, man. Quit beating it. I voted to keep him, this team still needs talent. If he heals properly, he is talented.
  16. It takes 2 to tango. SD doesn't want to get rid of V. Jackson.
  17. Let me guess. You knew Freddy was going to be the 3 or 4th best rb in the league before lst years draft, right?!?! Sigh! We need to hire you and let Nix go. That'll work. People seem to forget Nix took over one of the worst teams in the NFL 2 yrs. ago.
  18. I, for one am happy with the moves made. Just like the Statler building won't be done in a week(will be done in phases), Nix took over a REALLY bad situation and he just started last year. This will be done in phases. I was happy with phase 1 and even happier with phase 2. It'll be next season before I will comment on the 2010 draft(Spiller, Truope, etc.). Maybe this year's draft too. As for the QB thing, He had to start someone. As soon as they determined he sucked, they got rid of him. I don't understand the critisism. I guess Hindsight is being used to judge the moves. If only it worked that way. One more thing: I think your comment on Nix and an "eye" for talent is way off base. He helped build the Bolts into a damn good team for 7-8 yrs. If only we had that type of "eye" during that time. Before I see any questions regarding how many Super bowls the Bolts have been to or won, spare me. They have been a better franchise than us for the last 10 yrs. I'll take the Bolts record during that time over our any day, oops I meant any decade.
  19. What do you mean, STILL ? We all agree we need OLB help, but to say 1st round is looking too far ahead. Have to let the draft play out and see who is there in the first and is he worth a 1st roud pick.
  20. No need to travel when it was live on NFL network and teams can request a video of the workout.
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