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Everything posted by HerdMenatlity1

  1. You have a point. I'm not saying turn down endorsement deals, but Peyton and Brees don't seem to have let this fame get to their heads. I think this season will be a learning tool for both. I expect a pretty good rebound from both next season, but they did need a BIG dose of humility this season and got it.
  2. Thanks for bringing up Kaepernick, I knew I forgot someone. He's another one to me that was a little full of himself coming into the season. He has had a little bit of humble pie too. He needs it, IMO. I agree on the DC media, but his agent or advisor should have coached him better.
  3. I hope this guy doesn't have a vote.
  4. In the offseason, I thought to myself "He is really full of himself, he needs a dose of HUMILITY, big time." Luck, Wilson and RGIII were pretty good last year as rookies and held a lot of promise coming into the new season. What I noticed in the offseason was tooooo much coverage of RGIII, he interrupted a press conference that he wasn't even supposed to be a part of to explain that there is no rift between him and Shanahan. I knew he was in trouble when he tweeted back to people who got on his case for accepting the wedding gifts from strangers on his registry. Once you think the masses have your back and will agree with everything you tweet, you are in toooo deep. Luck and Wilson seem to have a maturity level way beyond what RGIII has. Having said this, I want him to come back next season and do good. I just hope he learns from this and comes back a little more humble. It's kind of funny how it takes a dose of humility for some people to get it. My advise for RGIII: stop the tweeting crap and concentrate on the little things it takes to be a leader of men.
  5. Here ya go Buffalo Tone:
  6. Be careful Scopes, most on this board have you pegged as a Troll. Watch out: here it comes... I've worn my Bills jersey to games in Atlanta, Jax, and Tampa and not a problem. But Scopes is a Troll, so he has to be wrong. Right?!?!
  7. I think you missed everything in-between those two statements.
  8. Living in Fl, I like the schedule. I'll be going to both the Bucs and Jags games. Haven't seen them live in a few years. I hope SJ tears Revis up again.
  9. IMO he hardly "lucked out". He had to work his butt of to make a college team to begin with. Yes, an injury led him to start that season at Penn State, but he still dominated that season and showed potential. I didn't like the pick at all, but to say he "lucked out" would be wrong. He worked for everything he got. It didn't work out in the NFL, but I would consider myself to be succesfull if I achieved what he has so far. I don't see how any of you can't see him as having a succesfull life so far. Let me guess, everyone here that gripes about Maybin not being succesfull is at the very pinnacle of his/her position at work, riiiiight !!!! Again, just my opinion.
  10. Yes, it does.
  11. He was treated fairly. He was given the chance to take plea and show that he this seriuosly.The poor judgement was on the part of Chad. Total lack of respect for the court system, not just the judge. This is a serious situation that he was given a break for. He just doesn't seem to understand how serious this was. This is a court room and you must act appropriately. To me, he seemed to take this as a joke and so did the judge. This is just my opinion. Guess the joke is on Chad now.
  12. The Bills held an "Iron Bills" competition during the offseason conditioning program and Fred Jackson is in the lead as far as point are concerned. The suprising news is that Troup and Easley are on his tail to take over the lead. Hopefully this means these two guys are FINALLY ready to go this season. If they are, it's pretty good news for the Bills. We could use Troupe's size in the middle of that D line and hopefully Marcus turns out to be that BIG reciever we need. See the article from buffalobills.com: http://www.buffalobi...cf-75d5c89249b3
  13. I thought walker played RT pretty well. It's when he was moved to LT where he went downhill. He was brought in as a RT and should have stayed there. He wasn't a LT and we weakened two spots(LT and RT) instead trying to find a replacement LT.IMO
  14. Noles fan here in Tally, but born and raised in Buffalo. I remember the kick. I love the pick. Go Bills & Noles !!!
  15. My main concern is that he was a false start machine in college and in training camp. I watched him play in college. I live in Tally and am a Nole fan. Having said this, it's worth a shot to see what he can do at lg.
  16. One thing I want to add is that the conventional thinking of not picking a guard or NT # 8 is the cost of a top 10 pick. Since the new rookie scale is in place, not even the #1 pick is gauranteed 52 million anymore. A top 10 pick is way more affordable than a few years ago. You are not in salary cap hell anymore with a top 10 pick. So, if your top rated player is Womack or Cooper I'm fine with that. Remembering how much Hutchison(sp) helped Seattle's back(can't remember his name) break 2k yds makes me wonder how Spiller would do with a monster at guard who can get good push. From center to lt, we would have Wood,Womack/Cooper, and Glen. Pretty damn stout if you ask me.
  17. If we address most of our needs in rds 1-4 and if in rd 5 a RB is the BPA on our board, I'm all for taking a RB. This is Freddy's last yr and Choice is Verrryyy Avg. In rds 5-7 always take BPA on your board, regardless of postion or need.
  18. I hear ya, but I wouldn't mind North Carolina's guard(Jonathan Cooper) in round 2. This guy is right up there with Chance, if you ask me. Rd. 1 should be QB,WR, or LB
  19. Hey fellow Centaur, I'm from the Class of 85" too. Remember when both of the starting QB's for the Turkey Bowl were from CHS(Carl Catronio for Grover and TJ Blackman played for Bennett High)? We have no team so we could essentially play for any City team, provided you made the team. All Carl did was hand the ball off, while TJ was more of a passer. You are right on the "best free education" comment. Wouldn't trade it for the any other.
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