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Everything posted by HerdMenatlity1

  1. As an FSU fan, you are way too kind. That offensive line has been horrible the last 3-4 years. They are comparable to the horrible Bills line in 2018. In other words, they suck. If you put Akers behind a competent line, watch out!
  2. How about pretty wife, ugly girlfriend?
  3. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE YOU , MAN!!!!
  4. Another "chief" battle?
  5. I think the season will start in October and end in Jan. 17 weeks would be the end of Jan. No games in London or Mexico. No media week between the end of the playoffs and the Super Bowl.
  6. If you read the post he was replying to, you might think you're wrong. I do. Hey, you asked.
  7. That would be 4.8 sacks per year for Murphy Clowney has averaged exactly 6 sacks per year. He's en fuego!!
  8. He played some QB in high school. How about that catch(1st highlight)! I would love: Akers in the 2nd Gandy-Golden in the 3rd AJ Dillon in the 4th.
  9. My latest mock on fanspeak has: Rd 2 Cam Akers Rd 3 Antonio Gandy-Golden Rd 4 AJ Dillon Rd 7 Omar Bayless WR Arkansas State I'd rather have a rookie WR considering we're set WR and Perriman would be WR 4. Antonio would have time to get up to speed and be on a rookie deal.
  10. Have you watched enough of Penny to say he's worth giving up Murph for ? It's still harder to find decent de's vs. rb's. Especially considering we lost Shaq and Hughes just came off of surgery. I don't think it's worth it. There are rb's out there still without having to give up assets for.
  11. correct me if I'm wrong, but Wade is still on the exempt list and doesn't count as a roster spot or even the base practice squad. That's why.
  12. I'm just wondering WTH is up with the title of this post?! Were you going for a LAMP ?
  13. Is it too hard to just not comment, or do you just like being a jerk?
  14. over $12.5 mil over the 1st 2 years. I'll gladly "settle" for that career.
  15. I really wanted us to sign him last year. He played really well. A big part of why the Bucs were so hard to run against. He's better than Corey, Peko and Taylor.
  16. Just trying to mix things up. I thought I was on a Clay Mathews thread earlier, but it was switched to a Gurley thread. Not sure if the person switching topic in mid stream was looking for a LAMP moment or not. Maybe me calling him out is me attempting to have a LAMP moment. We need to upgrade our TE group.
  17. Can we do all that and bring in Clay Mathews? Or are we switching lanes here? Clay or Gurley? I'm confused on which thread I'm on.
  18. No, we shouldn't bring Clay Mathews in. Bills should do everything they can to sign Gurley, he is the star player this team needs. Has both speed and power, worth dropping Smith & Murphy which saves us 10 mill and then add another 6-7 million. End of the day Sean wants to run the ball and this guy is a true workhorse back, your not getting that from Singeltary who is not fast or big Right Niagara Dude?
  19. Bills should do everything they can to sign Gurley, he is the star player this team needs. Has both speed and power, worth dropping Smith & Murphy which saves us 10 mill and then add another 6-7 million. End of the day Sean wants to run the ball and this guy is a true workhorse back, your not getting that from Singeltary who is not fast or big. Don't you agree, Dude?
  20. Kick the tires. Just not too hard, he'll fall apart.
  21. This thread is about Murphy. 1 pitch fork at a time.
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