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Everything posted by HerdMenatlity1

  1. I put a skeptical emoji up on your post because you claimed 70-75 % of players don't like the sport and only 10% are passionate of the sport. My issue is someone claiming he got these numbers from his time in the sport and conversations you've had with players. I mean, unless this was an actual study, you haven't spoken to nearly enough players/ex players to produce those numbers. That's roughly 1200 players not liking the sport and roughly 160 players that are passionate. I will was going to call bs. Thanks for acknowledging it's hard to gauge the real numbers though.
  2. You gotta know football 1st. It's ok. You're forgiven.
  3. Be that as it may, Desantis is delusional when he says Fl is doing fine. He even quoted Donald on the " numbers are high cuz we test a lot" crap. He was fine with Jax having the RNC. I live in Fl and to me, he's a Donald ass kisser. Hope he's a 1 term Gov.
  4. I love his upside too. I loved the pick when it was made. He led Stanford in tackels. As a NT! Still, IMO, Star will be missed ton.
  5. Til our run d leaks like a sieve. What he provided was so under the radar. He was our only consistent player on the interior of the line. And he ate blocks like the cookie monster eats cookies. IMO, his skill set will be missed more than folks here think.
  6. You can't trust an agency that wrote guidelines for the return to schools, then "softened" them cuz Donald says the guidelines are too tough. Donald is the last person the CDC should be taking advise from. Or maybe we can inject a disinfectant like he suggested. What a JOKE!!! Dude! Give me a warning at least. I spit my coffee out in laughter! Thanks and be safe.
  7. I live in Fl and Gov. Desantis is acting like Trump in this. Deny , deflect. And the kicker is he's blaming others from the NE. These days the CDC is a Trump mouthpiece spewing lies. Other countries are at a point where they can play baseball (S. Korea) because they took this seriously from the beginning, while our leadership said "it's just a flu, we're fine".
  8. The ones in the right side of this?! With these numbers, politics aside, you gotta shut it down.
  9. Bring him in. Then I can sit with his mom and family for games at our favorite watering hole. Kinda weird that they go to a bar to watch him play. Cool people and momma says he loved his time in Buffalo. Bring that SB mojo to Buffalo!
  10. He can always be on that copper fit team with Favre and Rice.
  11. Here with me. Bitching about player complaints is just plain stupid. You want a season, you want players to take a chance for your enjoyment(gambling) and you B word about some comments made by some players?! They are people with opinions just like you, not robots. I'm happy the nfl is still trying to have a season that most likely won't happen, but these guys are taking a big risk to play the season out. I could only imagine the vitriol here if the NFLPA and players decide it's not safe to play. Some selfish people here and you don't even realize it.
  12. I agree he played better in his last year. He should have played well. It was his 3rd year in the system. His numbers are pretty much the same for his 3 healthy seasons with us though. All I'm saying is this characterization of him playing "hard" only in his contract year isn't true. IMO. I was surprised he signed for only 3 years. Guess he's gambling on getting one more big contract before he's too old.
  13. We have more important priorities. We have Josh, Dion etc. to think about. Addison's contract is 1-2 yrs. We weren't signing Shaq to a long term deal. Not worth it. That doesn't mean he only played hard in his contract year. That is false.
  14. I know when Rex left. Shaq started playing better from the time McD got here, not just last year.
  15. False. Once he got better coaching than what Sexy Rexy provided, Shaq played better. Just like the rest of the D, Rex didn't put Shaq in a position to succeed.
  16. But I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. So I know what I'm talking about even more.
  17. 7 on 7? Yuck. C ya next year.
  18. I wondered that myself. I work with someone who just got married in India in the spring and she says she doesn't think the numbers given reflect the true scope due to lack of testing for so long. She said the #'s will spike as testing picks up. She is of the opinion that for such an advanced country, why are we so behind the curve on this? She did say no pun intended.
  19. Not from what I read. Also, India has like a billion people. Billion with a B and has less than a 1/3 of number of cases. Countries are now banning Americans from traveling to their country. Embarrassing is right. https://us.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=omr&hsimp=yhs-001&type=863138039&param1=y6bdVFVIsvuYsgEClQfz8IfaIrULFWUA2DMVetLqXBrP3gi9K0k7QL0uqbojPKOCYRq9Fg6oiel%2FxHRp5HlVrHgnV4uk1QkmHJgQPnjuOPF7mD8P77x18bdmgmycomgrd1PtVc7S8vIcjOjZo2%2Bm15GokefepNPPLTlWW%2BXEo1fRNyYOX2olB7Jpkmud7aeCTAsFbQFM4vh5zycP8gZ4TbOW%2F%2BDlDFsXG%2FGbndgeYK4wwZJu%2FBOuYI9tKLCVhqz4nQE%2BaUL3cbMPncjkQP5LO0WJCsznNad6e4DRpDrb484%3D&p=coronavirus+new+zealand+update
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