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  1. Only because they are paying Purdy around $1 million per year. It's easy to add/pay for a bunch of expensive toys in this scenario. If they don't win a SB this year, they are screwed. Purdy will get a huge contract after this season. They will have to get rid of some important pieces of their roster.
  2. I never understood the love for Lynch. IMO, Lynch does not deserve a higher ranking than Beane. The ONLY reason they are super bowl contenders is they are paying Mr. Irrelevant less than $1 million per season, on average. He can go and sign big name free agents because of this. Why does he get a pass on the Trey Lance debacle? He gave up a ton to draft Lance, only to trade him for peanuts. That alone would get most GM's fired. In his 1st ever draft with the niners, he picks someone named Soloman Thomas # 3 overall and then Reuben Foster later in the first round. He lucked out on Kittle in the 5th. Subsequent drafts weren't anything to sing about. Beane has been better at the draft than Lynch. Not even close. Still SB contenders, without the advantage of have tons of $ for FA's due to Purdy's low cap value. They have not won the big one with all of that "talent" Lynch has acquired and he's going to have to pay Mr. Irrelevant some big $ coming up. If anyone watched Purdy play without his big-time players, you would know he is a result of the immense talent around him. They went 0-3 and scored only 17 points in those games. He was horrible. Folks here claiming Beane got lucky to draft Allen, yet not acknowledging that Lynch was lucky as hell to have a 7th round QB, making less than $1 million on average, save him from the Trey Lance joke of a pick. Again, JMO.
  3. Pretty sure the SB wins were AFTER these 2 teams went and got a QB to help them over the hump. Brady and Stafford. IMO, it was the investment into the QB position that propelled them to SB wins.
  4. Far from a troll. Big-time Bills fan, here. If you don't like my posts, block me. Quit acting like a baby while asking others to back you up. That's some weak 💩. Stand on your own.
  5. Actually, he did choose his psycho high school sweetheart. Thery WERE LIVING TOGETHER at one point. If he decided he was done with her, that was a VERY IMMATURE way to tell her. Again, the lengths homers go to.
  6. NO. Diggs doesn't want to be here, so he should go. I argue the case for Diggs wanting to leave is a valid one.
  7. If only I had a dollar for every idiot who fell for the screen name and tried to be cute with it. Nice try.
  8. Hopefully you feel you can't get back the 20 minutes of your life it took you to read it, or did it take longer? 🤣
  9. Denial is a funny thing, especially when Josh has NOT denied any of this. And I'm sure he's heard the stories. Show me proof he denied any of this. Any proof. I know you like using the internet. Use it to show his denial. Otherwise, that's the story and I'm sticking to it.
  10. Let's get something straight...JOSH IS NO TOM BRADY! Hell, HE'S NOT MAHOMES either. The lengths some homers go to. 😂. He's bordering on NOT BEING BURROW either. I am happy for Diggs. He wanted out and got his wish. Hopefully we have a real leader in Josh. 🙏.
  11. CJ Stroud seems like he's taking the job of being an NFL QB seriously. Maybe when the media fawns over him, he'll become a "celebrity QB", like Josh. I really hope Josh comes in as a mature QB this year. We need that more than a top wr. Mahomes proved that last year.
  12. When you're not prepared for fame, like he wasn't, maybe he should.
  13. I think we found a Josh Allen jock strap sniffer. Enjoy the smell.
  14. Too bad Josh didn't get the memo 'til now. Leaders lead, not go off galivanting in the off season like he won a super bowl or something.
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