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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. How many times are you gonna say the bills should get CMC, Keuchly, and Kupp ? Not happening.
  2. this is fake news. He scored on and end around and also a long bomb which was called back over bogus flag in that game
  3. I went to Mavericks/Wizards game. They introduced Haskins on the Jumbotron and no one clapped or cheered at all.
  4. Royale knows karate though. He could kill teef before the 4th round.
  5. I’m buying all the Higgins stock. He’s gonna be a stud.
  6. he’s a stud and is already sitting on a dozen “we will draft you’s”
  7. Impractical Jokers was terrible. 1/10 Possibly the worst movie of the decade. Sonic the Hedgehog was amazing 10/10. 1917 is next.
  8. He rides the pine when Cardale is throwing 4 int’s
  9. Higgins is a monster. What’s there not to like?
  10. I’m in but I’m gonna need a fall guy for all the weird sex stuff that ensues.
  11. you are just mad he’s got a better hat game than you.
  12. I’m amazed this idiot can hold down a job at the laundromat. Owner must not spend much time there.
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