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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. 1-10 kap > 10-6 playoff Josh. I can dig it. Where can I find the blinders to block out the part where he was benched for Gabbert because he was straight trash after his strong early career performances ? dudes 11 and 24 his last 3 seasons. Get er dun !!! Richie incognito and stuff !
  2. Cool. Pretend he’s still good lmao ?? Let’s rewrite history. He didn’t get benched for Blaine wink wink ?
  3. same for me. They deleted logics response to me as well before I could read it ???
  4. Sorry you made such poor decisions in life. Let it all out dummy.
  5. WoUlD YoU TrAdE PlAcES w LeBrOn JaMeS ? or do you like not having 450 mil in the bank. “why do white peoples play da basketballs” stfu, we get it. You’re a trashbag.
  6. can you ask dumber questions and start more threads ?
  7. All the “activists” cheer as this man catches a blow that will probably kill him 22k go fund me and rising
  8. sure thing weirdo ?? what’s your other screen name ? This meltdown is pretty solid
  9. The 2 broke girls Larry David Martin Lawrence Bill Burr
  10. when’s the last time you got laid ? you seem angry.
  11. When he was Qb for the jets and needed to win for a playoff spot. I laughed my ass off at these hopeful jets fans knowing the meltdown of interceptions was on the way.
  12. holy ???. My mans putting himself in a pretzel to endorse rape. it’s just like the tyrod taylor pretzel after a 56 yard passing day. As Kenny Rogers would say. You gonna know when to fold em.
  13. That’s one way to tank for Trevor and win points from the woke crowd.
  14. We got a full fledged emotional breakdown on aisle 4.
  15. Are you that kid from the vape shop ?
  16. killing an old black man because you wanted that Rolex from the pawn shop isn’t a good look
  17. very similar minus the new oppressed brunch on avocado toast and don’t die in mass graves.
  18. Post less. That applies to your mindless Josh Allen rants as well.
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