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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. Dionte Johnson’s hands are super sus.
  2. it was also better before you spent two years telling us Josh Allen sucks
  3. The nerds on the internet are buzzing hard for the new Batman. I’ll have to watch it one day.
  4. Terrible place. Just terrible
  5. It was good 20 years ago, the “beef” doesn’t taste the same or maybe I was just a kid and liked it more
  6. It’s wrong Josh or Baldolbilz Mccoy is washed takes
  7. Get it done. Guys awesome on the field.
  8. He’s gonna have to stop “smoking that stuff” when he moves to MNF
  9. The comedy is in your meltdown. Big T keeps dunking all over you.
  10. Gard didn’t smack anyone. You beat someone up at a bills game ? Was he wearing a Mccoy jersey ?
  11. You guys all broke yet ? send me 100k. I’ve got cryptowalnuts for sale
  12. You juggled two girls in different rooms in the same hotel on Valentine’s Day ?
  13. Did she tweet out about his small package yet ?
  14. Carr much better than other two imo. Put Carr on a good team and he will eat.
  15. rather pay Carr than LJ tbh.
  16. I go with the magnesium citrate when I need to take a nice dump.
  17. they must work. “Crypto guy” is everywhere.
  18. Later bro. Good job and stuff.
  19. Hell to the naw
  20. McDermott’s brain
  21. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🥴 why did you assume JB was a rapper ? who doesn’t watch curb your enthusiasm ?
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