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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. Don, When are the Jill’s coming back ? I enjoy dreaming of those boobs in my face when there is a break in the action.
  2. It was working if you like blowouts vs bad teams, no shows vs good teams, and .500 football. I wish the cot would let this die.
  3. Yea it was good when Tyrod ignored him for 8 games before he said that ? ??‍♂️
  4. Bradford’s good for 4 games. Whose gonna play the other 12 ?
  5. The new bridge has wheels http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-cant-miss-plays/0ap3000000838206/Can-t-Miss-Play-C-J-Beathard-goes-62-yards-to-the-house
  6. This, the attackers sound like jealous 12 year old girls. Can’t judge him until Taylor’s gone, A decisive qb with a quick release is what’s needed.
  7. Is he 130 yards in 2 home games bad ? Where’s the part where I said Rg3 > Taylor ? I don’t see it. While your at it go ahead and pull up your fins game switcharoo from yesterday. You’re a liar and you know it, tell us more about Kaep and Trump you fake news master ???
  8. 2 more lies. Well done I don’t like Fitz I don’t like Rg3. Carry on fake news.
  9. Feel free to list a single “free” fact liar. Ill hold for eternity, while you continue to hold yesterday’s L.
  10. Is this a video from your house after Taylor got benched ? Im sorry you got spanked and lied.
  11. No way bro. You make things up about me I make things up about you. Its cool being a liar isn’t it ? You loved McGloin, Michael Sam, and tried to trade up past the bucs for Aguayo.
  12. Tell me more about that 4th qtr boss. Tell me more about that time you wanted to trade up for Matt McGloin too ??? Bye Liar, you’re pathetic.
  13. Except for those facts I checkmated you with yesterday. Carry on delusion boy ??. You calling me fact free is fact free. ??‍♂️ Sad stuff, keep doubling down though feel free to link or source your fake news ?
  14. I didn’t see McCoy throw the fade to KB Hes gonna have to win the next 3 too. Qb depth chart is ? You’ve fell off a cliff as a poster for sure.
  15. La’s defense has given up 6, 10, and 13 points last 3 games ? Bills passing game is irrelevant. Good luck to all. Convo is dead.
  16. Sure thing bud. Watch the saints and patriots games again ??? best chance to win ???‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️
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