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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. Donovan Mitchell is 20 times the player Lonzo is. Lakers got played.
  2. Some depressed pale white girl made your night huh ?
  3. Wannabe Romanowski who only plays because he’s fueled by the roids. No thanks.
  4. Laugh it up funny man https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/early-lead/wp/2016/11/18/a-crying-luke-kuechly-puts-a-human-face-on-head-injuries/
  5. Thanks for the opinion. Laughing at a guy who cried while concussed is funny. You are right, My bad homie thanks for setting me straight ??
  6. How does he compare to Keutchly ? His speed makes a lot of difference.
  7. Stormy’s pop up link to her “cam” when I’m trying to access porn is a total mood killer
  8. Fultz > Tatum gonna cost Philly a finals appearance. Saw nothing from Saric/Bellinelli Raptors need to burn that court down. Place is cursed.
  9. Enough of all this white knighting. I am a man who likes looking at women One vote for yes to cheerleaders! Especially the jiggly ones. I like them around on game day.
  10. You only have one option. He sleeps with the fishes.
  11. Aren’t you wrong about the draft every year ? ??????????
  12. The king of not throwing int’s and 3 point playoff games. Make it stop.
  13. It was both. Proehl made plenty of plays
  14. Won’t be able to. He will get benched by week 5. Josh Allen is the king now. Tyrod Shmyrod. Who cares.
  15. Watching Mayfield and Haley throw temper tantrums as Taylor’s pitching another 80 yard passing day is must see tv ?.
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