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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. The “alt right” and “white supremacists” are a huuuuuuuge problem in your head.
  2. Lebron has talked sh%# about Trump 20 times over. Wgas that Trump finally fires back ?
  3. Nailed it. The doubters sound a little extra clueless imo Benjamin was a machine on 3rd down early in his career with Cam.
  4. Minnesota makes everyone’s offensive line look irrelevant
  5. Roll up a joint, take a shot of jack and get back to work.
  6. Snowfall, Ozark, Better Call Saul. It’s on !
  7. Naaaa, Jackson will stink as an NFL qb Allen went top 10 for a reason.
  8. Scorp can chill on the Jackson > Allen hot takes for a bit now.
  9. Nope. Some used to be edgy and funny, now they are political hacks telling the same unfunny Trump jokes over and over
  10. Except for all the elite play in the post season where he beat Brady/Manning and company ??‍♂️??‍♂️????
  11. 102 wins 67 losses You learned Joe Flacco isn’t a bad qb today. We learn and move on.
  12. Bad QBs don’t win 10 playoff games and a Super Bowl. Terrible post by you.
  13. Lamar Jackson ain’t unseeding Flacco. Flacco will be good this year. Is healthy and moving around great.
  14. He also has you as his personal nut hugger. Cam Phillips is making plays. Maybe one day Foster will too
  15. Texas fajitas, add shredded cheese and doused in green el yucateo hot sauce
  16. Mrags with “tha whiff”. He was slurping up all the Jordan Matthews > Sammy stocks
  17. This is gonna trigger 26cornerkaepernick4pres
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