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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. I wonder if it’s because nothing has changed but here we are laughing at you making noise about what exactly ?
  2. He’s scared of Russia. Give him a break I’m not sure if the “alt right” guys are threatening his livelihood as well.
  3. How many hours a day do you work ? Taking bong rips rips and selling popcorn at the farmers market is serious bidness.
  4. You know your transplantbillsfan right ? Read that second sentence again and have a laugh. Sorry the cartoon triggered you, I should have thought of your feelings first.
  5. Im confused. I thought you were the one butthurt by some cartoon ??? Allen era is here / thread
  6. Giants Bills 2015 Patriots Bills 2015 Redskins Bills 2015 Bills Ravens 2016 Woooooof Bills Fins 2016 Pats Bills 2016 Bills Bengals 2016 Bills Raiders 2016 Bills Steelers 2016 Bills Panthers 2017 Bills Bengals 2017 Bills Pats 2017 Bills Pats 2017 Bills Saints 2017 Bills Jags 2017 One game huh ? Try to stay off the fake news.
  7. Preseason football hot takes guy ^^^^ You got me ??‍♂️??
  8. Bills fans poking at the super bowl mvp. Lolol. Tighten up guys.
  9. The facts were on full display vs the Jaguars. Thats who he is way too frequently to be taken seriously
  10. You’re still in love with a qb who can’t pass. Follow your heart to Cleveland. Then come back to us once he’s benched again. Im no artist. Some other Bills fan who got tired of Tyrods crappy passing made it.
  11. What hasn’t he been winning at ? Life is good for all out my way. Everyone holds the door for each other and has a job. The cnn life you describe is fake news I’ll let you caterwaul and act like anything has changed besides all the kooks and the tears
  12. You should thank him for winning. We dodged a major bullet.
  13. K, was checking to see if you really believed the media line you stated. Obviously you do. Obviously you’re a shmuck. ??‍♂️
  14. Because I’ve written you off as a clown after your remarks about the media suppression
  15. You forgot to call me a misogynist racist You're all in on the derp train I’ll let you get back to the Anderson Cooper/Don Lemon show ?????
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