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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. When will they develop an app to keep naked Kuondijo’s off electric fences ?
  2. They torched that cornerback whose gonna work at jiffy lube !
  3. Yes I hate repetitive hot air. Thats a good new screen name for ya.
  4. What is a trumper ? You’re happy Ohr/Clinton/Strozk didn’t win right ?
  5. Oh, I thought Steven A and Kellerman were the A listers now that ESPN has let everyone else go
  6. Go away. You’re 0-12 on the preemptive “gotcha’s” Stop embarrassing yourself
  7. Definetly not. What the hell is going on with her top lip.
  8. Because he won’t bash trump. Per Steven A Smith and Max Kellerman ??? Eat a bag of dicks Kellerman, you’re trying too hard to be a good follower.
  9. Fuddruckers > 5guys/smashburger/inandout 5 guys can get bent with the 17.00 burger fries drink combo
  10. Hotrod has always sucked. The OL, Shady, and Gilleslie were pretty good.
  11. It’s a yes from me. I wonder which player will shoot his shot first
  12. Pats fans will miss him. Leave me out of the collective “we” Its funny how the loudest Peterman haters are also huge Tyrod excusiologists.
  13. You gotta forgive him. He would rather have big Mike Williams, Leodis, Whiffner, and Ej Manuel than Khalil Mack ???
  14. Mcdermott had no choice. The 56 yard kid just lost by 37 points
  15. A 5td game would make me forget about it fast. Rooting for Peterman just to shut 26 corner up.
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