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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. Sounds okay to me. Sammy was supposed to be Jerry Rice until that damn 14 jersey got him
  2. Makin a lot of noise. Making a lot of noise You gonna eat yo cornbread
  3. #14 is cursed by Pickspatrick Sammys Bills career went sideways when he chose that stupid number Ray Ray fumbles and gets yanked off PR duty. Change that number Ray Ray. Don’t let the 14 get you down
  4. Sorry your crusade has you all worked up. Have some patience with Allen and things will start to happen.
  5. Laughing at you is easier. And enjoyable My guy said “ throws of relevance”
  6. I’m a keep your post grounded in reality Stan Use actual facts to dismiss him, no reason to reach.
  7. Except the one Benjamin caught for 40 yards right ? Aside from that maybe you have some sort of crusade point to make
  8. He caught balls chief ! He stays. Ship out Dimarco instead.
  9. Embarrassing over the top takes from the anti Allen crowd delete your account shout-out goes to -guy that said Allen is Logan Thomas -guy that said Allen was a 3rd-5th round pick You guys are bad at this.
  10. Allen will be good. Give it some time Signed Teddy
  11. What a terrible post. Guys done nothing all year. Needs to jump through hoops if Allen asks him to
  12. Anthony Barr doesn’t agree with you. Can you hit us with some hot takes on the other rookie QBs futures based off 4-5 starts ?
  13. Do you have a point to make ? Are you gonna co sign drafting another qb next year like the guy I replied to ?
  14. Leave the Blow alone. It’s hard to finish when the booger sugar is flowing
  15. We have Josh Allen. He is 2-2 as a rookie Enough with your babble.
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